Salome SICHINAVA, Georgia
PROJECT: Contributing Successfully Reforming and Upgrading Public Services at Municipal Level in Georgia

Skilled in research and facilitation, Salome is working towards strengthening the local self-government in Georgia.

As a Project Manager and trainer at the Georgian think-tank – Center for Training and Consultancy (CTC) she is delivering training on Civic Engagement, Good Governance, Public Participation, etc. As a researcher and qualified trainer with more than 5 years of professional experience, Salome is a recipient of different international and national grants and awards. Also, she is an author of 9 academic publications in public administration reforms, policy advocacy, municipal services and related. In 2015-2017 she served as a Secretary of the Georgian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. 

Salome holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the Ilia State University and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from Tbilisi State University (Georgia). Currently, she is engaged in Ph.D. studies on Regional Development Policy and Local Government at the Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) and teaches Municipal Law in her capacity as a Professor Assistant.

“The Fellowship creates great connections, inspires innovations, creativity and challenges ideas that lead to progress. I believe that the Fellows’ enthusiasm and professionalism will significantly promote the development of strong and sustainable societies in the Eastern Partnership Region. For me, the whole program was a brilliant adventure, full of learning, growing, and practicing. It contributed a lot to my personal and professional development. Also, the fellowship strengthened my skills and knowledge in the thematic area and extended my networks in the field.”  – Salome SICHINAVA

Contributing Successfully Reforming and Upgrading Public Services at Municipal Level in Georgia

The action aimed to upgrade municipal services into high-quality, accessible, and well-administered public services and raise awareness on the municipal public services in the Kakheti Region. To achieve the above objectives, Salome designed research and conducted educational and community outreach activities in the target region. At the first stage of the project, she conducted qualitative research to study the impact of Public Administration Reform on local public services and applied a Self-Assessment tool to analyze the quality of municipal public services in 13 municipalities of Georgia (including 8 municipalities from the Kakheti region). Then, she delivered two-day training for the local community leaders from Kakheti. The training course covered various topics, such as assessment of the municipal budget programs, evidence-based planning of municipal services, participatory mechanisms for planning and monitoring municipal services, and planning and conducting advocacy initiatives. Finally, she held awareness-raising meetings in 8 municipalities of the Kakheti region involving more than 150 local people. The interactive seminars covered the topics of monitoring and advocacy of municipal services and budget assessment. 

The action produced the research document: Impact of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) on Development and Delivery of Municipal Services and provided recommendations to the key-decision-makers of Kakheti region from the perspective of (1) Institutional Development for Good Governance, (2) Sustainable Economic Development, (3) Inclusive Social Development and (4) Environmental Sustainability. The study analyzes the Public Administration Reforms on the public services developed and delivered by 13 local municipalities in Georgia. The research was printed in 250 copies and distributed to the audiences during the local training. In total, the action delivered 8 informational meetings engaging up to 250 young people (including community leaders) from the Kakheti region.

Research “Impact of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) on Development and Delivery of Municipal Services”:

Project in media:

კახეთში აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების სასტიპენდიო პროგრამა  განხორციელდა

Fellowship Programs 2020
Country Georgia
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Topics Democratic participation
Project duration May 2020 - November 2020