Safe Playground for Your Kids and Mine
The project: Safe Playground for Your Kids and Mine was an awareness-raising initiative promoting the public, particularly young women’s participation in decision-making concerning children’s outdoor playgrounds. To raise the voice of the parents from Yerevan, Mari organized training and workshops that resulted in developing a list of recommendations for the local decision-makers. In parallel with the training, the project monitored and assessed the conditions of the local playgrounds, including the study of heavy metals in soil and sanitary-bacterial research. Based on the above data, the field experts and civil society organizations elaborated on the document and shared it with the public officials. To reach broader audiences, Mari communicated the project deliverables via different media tools, such as radio podcasts, articles, and promo videos.
The project produced a handbook analyzing the playground conditions in Yerevan. Thus, Mari created a database showing the compatibility of the municipal playgrounds with the international standards. Through the training and workshops, the project informed more than 500 parents about playground issues and advocated their civic rights to demand better municipal infrastructure. The collaborative meetings with the local authorities improved equitable management and civic participation as well as public dialogue between the local administration and the community.
Project in media:
Children at Risk: Most Yerevan’s Playgrounds Found Unsafe, hetq.am
Unsafe Heavy Metal Levels Found in Yerevan Playgrounds, hetq.am
Միշտ չէ, որ աղբը աղբ է, hhpress.am
Radio- program “Yerevan”, Republic radio (from 1:00)

Fellowship Programs | 2017 |
Country | Armenia |
Areas of Interest | Advocacy Awareness raising |
Topics | Democratic participation Environment & climate change |
Project duration | November 2017 - April 2018 |