Alexandru BADARAU, Moldova
PROJECT: Enhancing Development Capacity of Aromatic Plants Producers from Moldova

Enthusiastic about aromatic scents, Alexandru is an executive Director of the Moldova Lavender Association. Since 2016, he has been leading the Union of Lavender Producers – The organization comprising the producers of aromatic plants and the Research Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Protection of Plants from Chisinau. Skilled in business strategy, financial management, and accounting, he has demonstrated professional experience as a Financial Consultant in the private and non-governmental sectors.  Since 2019, he is a co-founder and member of the Association of Business Consultants of Moldova. Alexandru believes that aromatic and medicinal plants business could be a sustainable source of income for lots of Moldovan rural families, convincing them to stay home or return back from abroad. 

Alexandru holds a Certificate in International Trade, Export Development and Export Planning from the London Institute of Export (IoE) and International Trade (The UK).

“The qualification and professional experience acquired within this Fellowship Project were of great importance for the producers of aromatic plants from Moldova and myself. The contact with the European family from the Essential Oils industry brought us important sectoral knowledge, potential commercial partners and opportunities. Therefore, the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility gave me confidence to raise the forgotten agricultural branch of Moldova and prove its competitiveness on the market. The fellowship triggered the motivation of our staff and gave the main incentives for the ongoing project „AroMed Bizness revives on the banks of Nistru River” uniting and building confidence between the producers from the „freezed Conflict Region” of Transnistria and Republic of Moldova across the country.” – Alexandru BADARAU

Enhancing Development Capacity of Aromatic Plants Producers from Moldova

The action aimed to increase the capacity of the local non-governmental organization Moldova Lavender Association and enhance their opportunities to enter the EU market. To achieve the above objective, Alexandru conducted analytical, educational and community outreach actions. First, he pursued field research on an Essential Oils Industry. Then, the fellow had a 6-day field visit to the Head Office of the European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO) in Hamburg, Germany, where he learned about the European Sectoral Regulations and EFEO’s activity. Following this, Alexandru held training for the Moldova Lavender Association members and shared the experience acquired from the visit to EFEO. Finally, to foster cooperation among the field professionals, he organized the First National Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Chisinau, Moldova.

The action built capacity for the staff members of the Moldova Lavender Association and raised their awareness of the Global and European industry. As a tangible result of the project, the local organization started a long-term partnership with the European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO). Therefore, the number of members of the Moldova Lavender Association increased from 12 to 23 and attracted other donors to finance the further projects. Hence, the first National Conference fostered collaboration among the farmers, public officials and donors and engaged more than 55 stakeholders from the sector. The project encouraged the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova to initiate the development of the National Strategy on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Moldova.  

Project in media:

Plantele medicinale și aromatice ecologice – unele dintre cele mai profitabile și solicitate culturi

Creșterea plantelor aromatice și medicinale – o ramură cu mari perspective pentru țara noastră

Fellowship Programs 2019
Country Moldova
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Capacity development
Topics Economic development
Project duration May 2019 - November 2019