PROJECT: Empowering Ukrainian Youngers for EU Integration and Educational Opportunities

Ana is a PhD candidate in public law and judicial administration with 10 years of experience managing projects and coordinating with donor and international organizations to ensure development and implementation of rule of law and judicial reform projects in Georgia for lawyers and judges.

As a Head of Communications and Coordination Unit at the Supreme Court of Georgia Ms. Shalamberidze successfully cooperated with Latvian Court Administration, Hawaii State Supreme Court Justice, GIZ experts, US Justice Department Legal Adviser in Georgia, COE and EU Judiciary Support projects, UNICEF, USAID, etc. Nowadays, she continues her efforts in non-governmental sector to improve judicial accountability and transparency mechanisms. She is skilled in drafting comprehensive strategies and action plans according to COE and EU standards, preparing reports on anti-corruption reforms to evaluate the impact of the efficiency of the judiciary.

Ana decided to use her personal experience of studying in the EU, and specifically within the  European University Institute (EUI) and Historical Archives of EU (HAEU), as the basis of a fellowship aimed at guiding youth in Georgia, including refugee Ukrainians, to secure similar opportunities.

I am honoured to be chosen as a fellow and have the opportunity to share my experience on gaining scholarships and different fellowship programs from European and US funded projects. I feel excited to support Ukrainian youngsters and cooperate them with representatives of European University Institute to extend their chances to raise grant awards for Erasmus, Phd, Research projects and other possibilities.” – Ana SHALAMBERIDZE

Empowering Ukrainian Youngers for EU Integration and Educational Opportunities

Fellowship Summary: Building bridges among Georgian and Ukrainian youth to promote cooperation and campaign for educational opportunities. Online events will explain exchange programmes and how to mobilize funds, with follow-up mentoring and offline meetings.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Georgia
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Service provision
Topics Education
Youth empowerment
Project duration July 2022 - January 2023