Andrii LIUBOV, Ukraine
PROJECT: Bomb Shelter: Is It Possible to Survive?

Andrii describes himself as a dramatist, writer, director, and ‘art engineer’.  He is the founder and Director of the non-profit organization ‘Bloom’, based in Odessa.

Before the invasion of Ukraine Andrii was busy writing and directing for theatre, including plays ‘Men Don’t Write Diaries’ and ‘Aloha’.  With the invasion he re-directed his expertise and experiences to capture the trauma and reaction of Ukrainians as both an art form and historical record.

Using methods of documentary theatre, Andrii has been  working with the testimonies of people affected by the war, creating a play together with people who survived the bombing.  He has also been attracting actors and amateurs from temporarily displaced Ukrainians.

The fellowship has enabled Anton to produce the play in Odesa and then plans to organize a tour of Europe. Thanks to the video filming of the performance and translation into English, there will also be an opportunity to acquaint a wide audience with the consequences of Russian aggression.

“The result of my work will not only show the importance of stopping the aggressor, but will also provide an opportunity for all participants in the performance to rethink and reduce the psychological shock of the Russian attack.” – Andrii LIUBOV

Bomb Shelter: Is It Possible to Survive?

Fellowship Summary: Using ‘verbatim’ theatre methods to document and create a play (‘Bomb Shelter’) based on testimonies of victims of war. The Fellow, an experienced director, intends to work with IDP actors and amateurs to stage a production of the play in Odessa and use video for promotion to a wider audience.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Topics Culture & Art
Mitigating misinformation
Project duration August 2022 - April 2023