Andrii MALIUSKYI, Ukraine
PROJECT: Animated Video Lectures on the Rules of Documentation of War Crimes

Working in the field of creative industries, Andrii constantly creates digital cultural products that open the culture of Ukraine to the wider world, and also works on highlighting important social topics through film. As the head of the public organization “Town Image Studio”, Andrii participated in the implementation of more than 20 cultural and educational projects related to the digitization of the cultural heritage, the creation of cultural and tourist routes, and the improvement of the inclusiveness of the cultural sphere of Ukraine.

Andrii is the director of several documentaries, including his film “Ostroh – in the Shadow of History” which is a completely new look at the current state of the ancient Ukrainian town.
In 2022, during the invasion and aftermath, videos documenting war crimes and testimonies of victims became an important aspect of judicial investigations. They are extremely valuable for Ukraine’s struggle in the international legal arena. However, the creation of such video material has its own specifics and requires guidance.  Thus, Andrii has produced a series of animated videos that contain information about security rules and the methodology of filming war crimes.

“For me, this project is an opportunity to help hundreds of people who daily collect materials that are evidence of war crimes. I am sure that the information from the videos will be useful both for professional journalists and for ordinary citizens who witnessed the war. Today, in Ukraine, video is not only an expression of creativity, but also a means to fight for independence” – Andrii MALIUSKYI

Animated Video Lectures on the Rules of Documentation of War Crimes

Fellowship Summary: The Fellow will work with legal advisers to produce a series of videos to help raise awareness and educate activists interested to document war crimes. The videos will inform on methods, legal requirements, and security issues.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Capacity development
Topics Human rights
Mitigating misinformation
Project duration August - December 2022