Anna HUSKOVA, Ukraine
PROJECT: Green Spaces Strategy Development

As an urban designer and architect, Anna mostly engaged in urban landscape development. The area of her inspiration is Urban Alchemy between people and space. Currently, the field of Anna’s investigation is open spaces strategy development using sustainable development and salutogenic approaches. After graduation, she was invited as an urban designer and independent researcher to many urban projects. As a member of the NGO “Open Knowledge,” she managed the architectural part of urban investigations.

In 2019 she got an invitation to lead and design the green space development strategy for the Parks and Recreations Department of Dnipro City Council. During her work at the Department (2019-2021), she managed the strategy, designed methods for spatial evaluation, founded and coordinated the collaboration initiative with students and universities for green areas development.

Throughout this experience, Anna faced various challenges that pushed her to go out of the architectural planning borders. In 2022 she qualified for the IT Generation program among other 48 thousand of applicants, to study Front-end development.

The statement “The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures” (Mike Bostock) helped her understand the role of dynamic data and Social Techs. Therefore, Anna strives for such “discoveries”, using algorithms and visualization to develop dynamic functional urban systems based on monitoring, collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data, creating simulations of development models to find better urban design solutions.

Anna is sure that spatial equity and accessibility are important measures of city democracy. Consequently walking access and mobility are key factors for social inclusion for Ukrainian post-war people. In this case, the realization of the Green Spaces Strategy Development within the framework of the fellowship program is a huge contribution to make Ukrainian cities comfortable and accessible. 

“Urban design + IT is a key to the implementation of sustainable Urban Alchemy” – Anna Huskova

Green Spaces Strategy Development

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to  support citizens in Dnipro city of Ukraine to use an online, interactive platform to assist them with spatial analysis and data visualization to advocate the protection of urban green areas.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2023
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Advocacy
Topics Civic tech & digital transformation
Transparency & accountability
Project duration August 2023 – March 2024