Improvement of the Ukrainian Academy of Paediatrics accountability and link to its target groups by supporting care givers of the children with chronic diseases via Parent’s Initiative Social Accelerator
The project aimed to create and launch a Parents’ Initiatives Social Accelerator (PISA) – a training model to trigger and facilitate collaborative involvement of families with their professional counterparts (pediatricians and family doctors). To achieve the latter objective, Antin created a communication/collaborative platform for the parents of children with chronic diseases and their doctors. The interactive training and meetings were tailored to build mutual understanding among mothers and fathers with different initiatives selected for the project.
The action equipped target groups with relevant information and tools to build organizational and communication strategies; Also, the project raised public awareness about the medical and rehabilitation methods. Overall, the engaged adults advanced their access to medical services provided by health care professionals. Thus, the parents became more aware of the behavioral change specifics and learned how to adhere to therapies and modify behavioral risk factors of their children.

Fellowship Programs | 2018 |
Country | Ukraine |
Areas of Interest | Service provision |
Topics | Health & sports Support to local actors to provide basic services |
Project duration | June 2018 - November 2018 |