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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Being empowered by Professor of Politecnico di Milano, Marcello Galbiati


Direct from our Fellow:

Nadejda CERVINSCAIA: “Prof. Marcello Galbiati was very kind to help me in organising the exhibition. I introduced him to the project by giving the book, which was published by “cARTier” publishing house in Novermber 2017. Obviously he was inspired and surprised by the archive, not only because the discovery itself is a unique life-event, but also because the pictures witness the historical period, life of a nation being expressed in a routine photo on the edge with pure art.

So, we had a range of meetings in spring 2018, during which Prof. emphasised me first what are, in his opinion, the leitmotifs of Zaharia Cusnir, so what could be the exhibition concept. Later he showed me the possible ways of displaying the pictures. His advices were really useful, I decided to implement the suggestion of “relationship in-between photographs” and “environment coming out of the picture into real objects”. The advises regarding communication hierarchy within the exhibition was new to me and also very useful.

I am very inspired by the selection and the exhibition concept. Stay tuned.”