Dumitru ALAIBA, Moldova
PROJECT: CPR Advocacy to Investigate Financial Crimes

Driven by the endeavor of change, Dumitru is shaping the current political landscape in Moldova, serving as a Member of the Parliament. He aims to tackle high-level corruption, promote economic reforms, and advance democratic freedoms in Moldova. As a co-founder of the local watchdog organization Center for Policies and Reforms (CPR), he advocated for good governance, justice, and anti-corruption. In 2009-2016 he worked for Moldova’s Prime Minister’s Office in his capacity as a Head of Prime Minister’s Economic Council Secretariat, employed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Apart from his engagement in the civic and public sectors, Dumitru has a demonstrated working experience in international consultancy as an economist and project manager. 

Dumitru holds a Master’s degree in International Project Management from the Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.

“The theft of the billion was an unprecedented act of corruption, given its magnitude. The mission of our organization was to research money laundering and deliver credible information to the general public. The Fellowship was a great support in this regard; it helped me and my organization to forge a coalition with the other watchdog organizations scrutinizing the high-level corruption. The project gave us a louder voice over Kleptocracy. Our advocacy actions on the financial accusations did not end with the fellowship, as we keep researching the issue and therefore, promoting democracy in Moldova.” – Dumitru ALAIBA

CPR Advocacy to Investigate Financial Crimes

The project investigated the financial accusations of the Government of Moldova in money laundering of 22 billion USD to the European Union and the theft of approx. one billion USD from the National Bank of Moldova currency reserves. The action researched the ramifications of the above issue and advocated for an effective international investigation. Through desk research, Dumitru analyzed the legislation and identified the main institutional failures. To explore more information about the Moldovan authorities’ pledges, he reviewed all official documents at the national and international levels. Also, Dumitru organized joint events and consultancy meetings with other watchdog organizations to monitor the advocacy efforts. Apart from the research and scrutiny, the action developed a 30-minute documentary with multimedia elements, explaining the cause and effect of the stolen billions and money laundering on the Moldovan economy, society, and administration. 

The action raised awareness of the local population and the international community about money laundering and banking thefts in Moldova. By analyzing the official documents and practices, the Center for Policies and Reforms proposed an alternative assessment of the situation that has resonated in the media. Thus, the project mobilized local civil society organizations to exchange information, develop a joint advocacy concept and be more effective in demanding accountability from the government. Multiple visibility activities and an investigative documentary film reached a wider audience and spread fact-checked information about the much-discussed financial crisis.

In Kyiv and Chisinau, Citizens Thirsty for Reform But the Governments Aren’t, article by Dumitru Alaiba in Atlantic Council

Fellowship Programs 2017
Country Moldova
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Topics Transparency & accountability
Project duration January 2018 - May 2018