Bicycle-Friendly Business Certification Programme
The project aimed to design and launch a Bike-Friendly Certification Programme in Kyiv, Ukraine. Also, Marianna intended to check whether tourist services such as gastronomy, accommodation, campsites, tourist attractions, or shops in Kyiv had stores, basic repair tools, or information about cycling in the region. To achieve the latter objective, she implemented the action through 3 stages. First, Marianna collected and analyzed information from Germany (ADFC German Bicycle Club) and France (FUB – French Federation of Bicycle Users). Then, she created a website with promo video, and exclusive Bike-Friendly Certificates. The program was designed with two-level certificates – Green (basic) and Gold (advanced). At the final stage of the project, Marianna held a final conference engaging business companies and local authorities, including the Tourism Department of the Kyiv City Administration, media representatives, cyclists, and other interested parties. As a result, first bicycle-friendly companies (cafés, restaurants, business centers, and even a law firm) were awarded the programme certificates at the press-briefing. Afterwards, the Program developed an exclusive Orange Certificate for non-profit organizations, such as theatres, libraries etc.
The action launched the first bicycle-friendly business certification system in Ukraine. Through the program website and other visibility materials, the program promoted the most socially responsible partner companies. The Program sustainability tool is a website, where users can access all relevant information such as conditions of the Program, rules for participation, types of certificates, map with company location etc. Also, the action produced 2 videos about the program. The Project developed three certificates: Green award was given to the companies with the basic parking services and stores for the bicycles when the Gold certificate was granted to the enterprises with advanced facilities, such as toolkit box for repair work, maps with bicycle infrastructure, etc.; the Orange was designed for the non-profit organizations. The final conference served as a platform to facilitate collaboration among governmental agencies, businesses, and other NGOs. The action improved Marianna’s professional skills; during her internship at the ADFC German Bicycle Club Berlin, she learned how to design and launch the certification program while the traineeship at the French Federation of Bicycle Users (Strasbourg) was an opportunity to extend her international contacts. Thus, having launched the final press-conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine – Lev Partschladze actively supported the Project.

Fellowship Programs | 2018 |
Country | Ukraine |
Areas of Interest | Awareness raising |
Topics | Environment & climate change Health & sports Transport & road safety |
Project duration | June 2018 - November 2018 |