Mihai MOGILDEA, Moldova
PROJECT: Risks and Opportunities: Towards a Better Understanding of Internet Voting in Moldova

As an active advocate of the internet voting, Mihai is working towards increasing the awareness of general public about key risks and opportunities related to the implementation of the internet voting in Moldova.

In his capacity as a delegated member of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, Mihai has been a member of the working group developing the concept and the action plan of the digitalization of the electoral process and piloting the internet voting in Moldova. In the past three years, Mihai has co-authored reports, policy briefs and op-eds about the alternative voting methods and their possible impact on facilitating the voting process in Moldova.

Mihai holds a MA in European Political and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) and a BA in Political Science from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (Bucharest, Romania).

Risks and Opportunities: Towards a Better Understanding of Internet Voting in Moldova

Fellowship Summary: Facilitation of participatory analysis of risks and opportunities related to internet voting in the electoral, social and security context of Moldova, and sharing of international good practices.
Fellowship Programs 2021
Country Moldova
Areas of Interest Advocacy
Topics Democratic participation
Project duration May 2022 - February 2023