Nataliia KRYVORUCHKO, Ukraine
PROJECT: Integration Roadmap for IDP’s in Zakarpattia

Before the war, Nataliia devoted 10 years of her professional life to local governments and public service, following her university education in international economics. Currently, Nataliia has been forced to move to the Zakarpattia region, where she leads the branch of the International Charitable Organization «SOS Children’s Villages» Ukraine – the Center for Strengthening the Family. She is also the Director of the CSO «Locator-Media».

Finding herself as an IDP amongst other IDPs, Nataliia used her background in public service to assist in researching and understanding the needs of IDPs settled in the Zakarpattia region.  Her fellowship combines both a contribution to developing a strategy for local integration of IDPs, but also building capacities of selected IDPs to engage in social entrepreneurship.

“War is not an event in life that you can prepare for. Thousands of people were forced to leave their homes to escape war or occupation. I am happy to help them through the fellowship scheme and lend a helping hand. Together we can do more!” – Nataliia KRYVORUCHKO

Integration Roadmap for IDP’s in Zakarpattia

Fellowship Summary: Leading a Working Group, with CSOs and local authorities, to develop a Roadmap of assistance and integration for IDPs in Uzhhorod, and delivering a series of training activities to assist selected IDPs with developing social entrepreneurships.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Advocacy
Capacity development
Topics Support to IDPs and vulnerable groups
Project duration August-December 2022