Photo Exhibition “GAZE”, July 6 – August 26, 2018 / National Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova
Photo Exhibition “GAZE”
“Only the man is always changing,
over the world forever raging”
“GAZE” is the exhibition of a photo archive, that will take place on July 6 – August 26, 2018 at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova. The exhibition curator, Nadejda Cervinscaia, was empowered by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship 2017. “GAZE” exhibition foresees to unveil and to mirror the interior world of a visitor, so the onlooker can rethink the essence of life and detach from the modern chaos.
“GAZE” means repeating the alphabet of human feelings.
Accidentally found, the photographs blown by winds, but caressed by so many winters, summers and miracles, behold the spirit of past, the one of ’50-’60.
Only man is always changing,
Over the world forever ranging;
We each do our place retain,
As we were, so we remain;
The negative films were awaiting being discovered up until 2016. They are the creation of Zaharia Cușnir (1912-1993), firstly a teacher, then a kolkhoz worker, but in the rest of his time, he was a photographer with a special artistic sense. Zaharia left almost 4000 moments captured on the negative films. These moments breath faces, happinesses, aspirations, thoughts of the people on the Răut river in Moldova.
“Only man is always changing,
Over the world forever ranging;”
wrote M. Eminescu, so a human is always changing, or maybe not…?
The exhibition “GAZE” is a retrospective of times’, people’s and land’s metamorphosis. The portraits are gazing the visitor stubbornly enough to reveal the reality from the past. That is to say, “GAZE” aims to draw a parallel between the visitor and life moments caught by the camera of Zaharia. So, be prepared to rediscover of yourself in the ranging world, encounter the small kid or the sensible and mature person from the soul’s depth, feel the emotions connected to different life phases, this is the consistency of the exhibition within the small hall of the Museum.
“GAZE” includes 36 B&W photographs, which are the windows into the past that englobe both a historical period, and the truth of the people. Will you meet them for the first time, or maybe you already know them? The exhibition space proposes an immersive experience of time and human relationship. Moreover, the documentary “Who loves but leaves” (marked with 3 film prizes: Cronograf 2017, SimFest Târgu Mureș 2017 și Docuart București 2017) made by the film
director Victor Galușca will encompass the personal experience of the viewer.
The media and audience are very much encouraged to support the exhibition by visiting it and spreading the word through social media. Check out the facebook page and use the hashtag #RVDR_ZahariaCusnir.
For any inquiries about the exhibition, please, contact Nadejda Cervinscaia, the curator of “GAZE” Exhibition, [email protected]/ +37379792346, +39 349 173 2614 or Victor Galușca – film director, +37379318650.