Fostering Democratic Citizenship in Georgia
Sandro embarked on a mission to ignite a passion for democracy and citizenship among Georgia’s youth. His project was centered on promoting the values of active citizenship and democratic engagement.
The key objective of his project was to encourage reflection on democracy and citizenship, advocating for a positive change in Georgia’s political culture. While changing political culture is a substantial task requiring both education and direct democratic participation over time, the project successfully sowed the seeds of change. Positive feedback and outreach indicate that it achieved its intended goals. Youngsters, although in limited numbers, have gained a deeper understanding of democracy and citizenship. Importantly, they have become advocates for change in political culture and democratic values, setting the stage for positive transformation in their local communities.
The cornerstone of this endeavor was the creation of a comprehensive report on the problems of political culture and citizenship in Georgia based on the public discussions focused on the merits of democracy and the citizens’ role in the democratization process. This report, which can be accessed here in Georgian, gives a general assessment of political culture in Georgia, and identifies key challenges and potential solutions, creating foundation for future discussion and research of the topic.
Sandro: “An important finding of the project was that if one aims to facilitate democratic values and ideas, the most effective way is when the beneficiaries themselves are directly engaged, rather than being just passive participants. For example, young people engaged with my project were given the opportunity to express their opinions via video, as well as through photos and essays. That is quite effective in terms of spreading message/values, as the participants themselves become advocates of the ideas, who have access to, and bigger trust within, their own communities.”

Fellowship Programs | 2021 |
Country | Georgia |
Areas of Interest | Awareness raising |
Topics | Democratic participation |
Project duration | May - November 2022 |