Taguhi KHARATYAN, Armenia
PROJECT: Young Changemakers of Dilijan

Inspired by the values of volunteering and tolerance, Taguhi is shaping the active community life in Armenia. In her capacity as a Project manager at the Dilijan Community Center, she implemented many environmental, educational, and social activities for the local young people. As a Country Coordinator for the Diamond Challenge, Taguhi proceeds with her professional aspiration to make a difference through entrepreneurship. She is a member of different EU-affiliated professional networks, such as the Young European Ambassadors(YEAs) initiative and the EU4Youth Alumni Network.

Taguhi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication from the Yerevan State University (Armenia).

“Four years ago, I could hardly fathom the successes that I have accomplished today. Four years ago, I joined the EaP Civil Society Fellowship initiative. It was a long journey, but along the way, I have continuously met people who helped me develop my skills, push me to perform better, and never step back. The fellowship was a unique opportunity for me to boost my confidence and personal growth. As the most successful fellow of 2017, I was awarded an internship opportunity in Ireland. That experience was a breakthrough in my career and inspired me to contribute even more to my community.” – Taguhi KHARATYAN.

Young Changemakers of Dilijan

The project Young Change-makers of Dilijan was a capacity-building initiative engaging up to 50 teenagers from the town of Dilijan. To empower the local youth, Taguhi held workshops on various trending topics, such as active citizenship, human rights and equality, cultural diversity, tolerance, and volunteering. The young people attended the training on project management, budgeting, fundraising, volunteer recruitment, and community outreach that increased their qualifications and practical skills. As a result of the interactive sessions and brainstorming, seven groups proposed and implemented their social projects. Given that, the fellowship formed an active group of Dilijan (long-time residents and newcomers) and created an inclusive platform in the local community center.

The training increased the awareness of 50 young teenagers of Dilijan, who proposed and implemented seven social initiatives. Thus, the project stimulated beneficiaries’ aspirations towards self-development, civic engagement, leadership, networking, and project management. Young people learned how to engage in participatory decision making at family and community levels by applying tools learned during the program. Taguhi promoted the concept of volunteering in the local community, as the engaged teenagers actively participated in the social projects during and after the fellowship action.

Fellowship Programs 2017
Country Armenia
Areas of Interest Awareness raising
Capacity development
Topics Democratic participation
Youth empowerment
Project duration November 2017 - April 2018