Tamar ZVIADADZE, Georgia
PROJECT: Promoting Employability of Youth with Disabilities

Experienced in development sector, Tamar’s work envisages capacity development of vulnerable groups of Georgia.

Tamar is co-founder and co-director of NGO Development and Engagement Platform, where her work mainly focuses on skills development of People from disadvantaged backgrounds, as well as promotion of their active participation. Tamar has been involved in development sector since 2015 and worked with various groups such as people with disabilities, children, youth and women. Apart from that, Tamar has social research experience mainly in migratory issues. Her professional interest include irregular migration and reintegration policies, welfare states and family-friendly policies.

Tamar holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Tbilisi State University and a master’s degree in Public and Social Policy from Charles University.

Social cohesion is key for building inclusive society and EaP fellowship greatly contributes to it. Thanks to the program I have necessary support and resources to further expand professional experience and implement project as per my vision.’’ – Tamar ZVIADADZE

Promoting Employability of Youth with Disabilities

Fellowship Summary: Contributing to the social-economic inclusion of young people with disabilities through advocacy of a policy paper and supporting dialogue among stakeholders on the issues of employability of youth with disabilities.

Tamar Zviadadze’s Fellowship project aimed to illuminate and address the challenges and opportunities surrounding the employment of youth with disabilities in the modern labour market.

A pivotal component of this initiative was the Needs Assessment Study on Employability of Youth with Disabilities (Download the study in English here and in Georgian here). This study not only revealed the current status of youth with disabilities in the labour market, but also identified their needs and challenges. It delved into the labour market’s demands on the one hand, and on the other, it examined the attitudes and perceptions of employers regarding the employment of individuals with disabilities.

Recognizing the importance of increasing awareness about existing employment support services among both youth and employers, the project included a service mapping exercise. This effort led to the creation of a public document that serves as a guideline for those seeking information on available employment support services.

The impact of this project has been substantial. Its beneficiaries encompass youth with disabilities, employers, civil society organizations involved in employment support, and the State Employment Support Agency. A final event on the presentation of research findings brought together stakeholders from the State Employment Agency, the Public Defender’s Office, and local and international NGOs. Through this event, a collaborative spirit was kindled, with the parties agreeing to work more closely on the issues surrounding the employment support of individuals with disabilities.

Significantly, Tamar’s work has bridged a knowledge gap in this vital field. It is one of the few quantitative pieces of research on the employment of people with disabilities in Georgia. The guideline on existing employment support services has also significantly increased awareness among employers and individuals with disabilities. This project has set the stage for greater inclusivity and support for people with disabilities in the workforce, paving the way for a more equitable future.

Fellowship Programs 2021
Country Georgia
Areas of Interest Advocacy
Topics Youth empowerment
Project duration May - December 2022