Together we can More
The action “Together we can More” aimed to tackle the stereotypical perception of People with Disabilities (PwDs) and engaged different stakeholders to promote equality and accessibility for all. To achieve the above objectives, Tamila organized an inclusive cycling marathon ”I see! I can! I will” engaging cyclists with tandem bikes in Zhovkva, Lviv. The sports event involved overall 45 people from Lviv and neighboring cities. To demonstrate the importance of inclusive sports, two-day capacity-building seminars were held in Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Kherson. The training emerged discussions and joint activities between the visually impaired and sighted attendants. The project engaged up to 100 young people and disseminated in other Ukrainian cities shortly, as the participant organized an inclusive marathon on tandem bikes in Poltava, Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Kherson by communicating with municipalities, local volunteers, and media.
The action raised awareness about the challenges faced by PwDs in Ukraine and introduced an inclusive sports marathon as a creative solution. The capacity-building seminars and the cycling marathon “I see! I can! I will!” on tandem bikes established contact between visually impaired and sighted people. Also, the project built a sustainable network and cooperation among the initiative group leaders and non-governmental organizations from six different cities of Ukraine. During the events, participants discussed the importance of having equal rights for every member of society. All in all, the project engaged large audiences and promoted the inclusion of PwDs into society. Apart from running awareness-raising campaigns, the project assisted Tamila to enhance her skills in inclusive sport project management through a one-week internship in NGO “TarnovoRuns” in Bulgaria.

Fellowship Programs | 2018 |
Country | Ukraine |
Areas of Interest | Capacity development Community mobilisation |
Topics | Health & sports Human rights |
Project duration | June 2018 - September 2018 |