Tinatina BREGVADZE, Georgia
PROJECT: Arts Summer School for Ukrainian Children

Tinatin has a solid experience in working for various local and international non-governmental organizations and foundations. At present she is the Chair of the Boards of Georgian Center for Strategy and Development – GCSD. Before joining GCSD she was the Director of the Levan Mikeladze Diplomatic Training and Research Institute at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and led the reform process of the institute. During 2005-2010 she has been working for such organizations as Transparency International Georgia, World Vision Georgia, where her major focus was education.

In 2010-2014 Tinatin became a team member of Open Society Georgia Foundation, Academic Fellowship Program. In 2012-2014 Tinatin has been overseeing the program in three South Caucasus countries – Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. She has served as an adviser to the International Center of Higher Education and remains a member of the steering committee. In addition, she was a deputy chairperson and a member of the authorization council at National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement. She has consulted more than 30 organizations on organizational development and training.

She is an invited professor at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, at the faculty of Social and Political Studies and a PhD student at Ilia State University, faculty of Business, Technology and Education. Her major research interest is the interlinks of higher education and political ideologies.

The Russian aggression against Ukraine is not the war fought only in Ukraine and by Ukrainian people. It’s the struggle of civilized world against the evil. Therefore, I believe that each and every citizen of free world should feel responsible and contribute in this process. No matter how small or big the contributions are, the main purpose is to support and stand by Ukrainian people. In this regard, I truly think that the opportunity provided by the Solidarity Fellowship is the unique chance to materialize the individual responsibility we all should feel forwards the Ukrainians. “ – Tinatina BREGVADZE

Arts Summer School for Ukrainian Children

Fellowship Summary: Assisting Ukrainian refugees in Tbilisi through provision of educational and theraputic programmes to school-age children, and supporting their parents to network and identify assistance for integration.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Georgia
Areas of Interest Community mobilisation
Service provision
Topics Culture & Art
Support to IDPs and vulnerable groups
Project duration July - November 2022