Viktoriia PREOBRAZHENSKA, Ukraine
PROJECT: Let’s hold on! Psychological Support to the Population in Kharkiv and Kyiv regions

Viktoriia is working with the population in the Kharkiv and Kyiv regions and has found huge psychological tensions because of the ongoing war in Ukraine.  As a psychologist who’s previous work has been based around a Non-Violent Communication (NVC) philosophy, Viktoriia saw this as a way to  deal with this issue and to provide psycho-emotional support to the residents of Kharkiv and Kyiv regions (those who have not left their homes), by creating support groups.

As a Head of the Charitable Organisation – Eudemony of Ukraine and as an alumni of a Peace Engineering School run by the NGO: Ukrainian Center for Nonviolent Communication and Reconciliation “Dignity Space”, Viktoriia has been involved in humanitarian activities for supporting different vulnerable groups and groups in difficult emotional conditions since 2018.

Viktoria holds a specialist degree in Practical Psychology from the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management in Kharkiv (Ukraine) and she is registered as a candidate for certification at the Centre of Non-Violent Communication.

“I am very happy that with the help of our mentor Olga Nguyen, who is a certified trainer from Centre Nonviolent Communication and art-therapist, my team and I made our contribution through Empathic Support and art-therapy for people who live in insecure conditions.  The Fellowship is very important in this process.   Furthermore, the skills acquired within the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship have been very useful for my other activities in social society.  For now, I am planning to share my experience, to involve people and professionals in providing further psychological support for Ukrainians.” – Viktoriia PREOBRAZHENSKA

Let’s hold on! Psychological Support to the Population in Kharkiv and Kyiv regions

Fellowship Summary: Strengthening a group of activists that provides psycho-emotional support to IDPs in Kyiv and Kharkiv oblasts through art therapy groups, support circles, and individual counselling.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2022
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Capacity development
Service provision
Topics Support to IDPs and vulnerable groups
Project duration July - November 2022