Yurii KLEBAN, Ukraine
PROJECT: Vartovy (CityGuard) SaaS platform

Yurii Kleban holds a degree in economic cybernetics from the National University “Ostroh Academy” in Ostroh, as well as from Kyiv National University named after Vadym Hetman in Kyiv. He also pursued studies in software development at the IT Step Computer Academy in Rivne.

Yurii’s professional background includes working on IT projects, focusing on software development and machine learning. He has also been involved in teaching programming and data science courses at a university.

“As a Fellow, my responsibilities will include project management, software development, and collaborating with local authorities and experts to ensure the successful implementation of the digitalized evacuation plans project. I will leverage my technical skills and experience to drive the project’s objectives.” – Yurii KLEBAN

Vartovy (CityGuard) SaaS platform

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to create “CityGuard”, a digital platform in partnership with Ostroh territorial community. It enhances emergency preparedness, communication, and safety in Ostroh by offering digital evacuation plans for population points, training, and real-time communication during emergencies.

Updates coming soon!

Fellowship Programs 2023
Country Ukraine
Areas of Interest Community mobilisation
Topics Democratic participation
Project duration January - August 2024