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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Focus on green community and tourism, fundraising and communications

In January 2018 four more workshop sessions for young CSO leaders of the Ararat region (Armenia) were delivered. The workshops covered the following topics:

  1. Successful fundraising: how to make you CSO/initiative sustainable
  2. Media and Communications: make you CSO audible
  3. Green community: decreasing pollution, saving money
  4. Tourism in rural regions: how CSOs can work with this sector

The topics were chosen based on the previous surveys and interviews among the youth of Ararat region. Despite the variety and diversity of the listed topics, the workshops’ curriculum covered only the practical aspects of these themes.

The main goal of these sessions was to create a platform for civic leaders in the region, where they can share their ideas, elaborate on their challenges and strengthen their professional cooperation. Being assigned to practical tasks, case-based examples and group projects, which were included in the workshops’ curriculum, participants got an experience of collaborative working and acquired hands-on skills. The latter is going to help them to implement joint projects and tackle real-life issues in Ararat region in the future.



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Regional seminar about EU-Georgia relations in Batumi and Poti

Regional seminar about EU-Georgia relations was conducted in Batumi and Poti. The EU-Georgia relations, past experience, and future perspectives were discussed during the seminar with the participation of CSO. Around 70 local CSO-NGOs and Media representatives were participating in the meeting.

The main topics discussed:

  • The EU-Georgia relations, past experience and current stand;
  • The perspective of EU-Georgia relations and existing opportunities for local CSOs and stakeholders in the process of implementation the Association Agreement;
  • The wide spread myths and prejudices about the EU at the grassroots level;
  • What are the effective mechanisms to counter anti-European narratives and fake news.

In addition, during the seminar, participants were presented the major challenges and milestones set by the newest report on implementation of Association Agreement between Georgia and the EU.

“აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების მხარდაჭერის პროგრამის“ ფარგლებში შეხვედრა გაიმართა ბათუმსა და ფოთში. ადგილობრივ არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების, სკოლისა და მედიის წარმომადგენლების მონაწილეობით განვიხილეთ საქართველო-ევროკავშირის ურთიერთობები, დახმარების პროგრამები, ევროკავშირთან დაკავშირებული მითების, შესაძლებლობები და სამომავლო პერსპექტივები.

ღონისძიების მხარდამჭერია „საინფორმაციო ცენტრი ნატოსა და ევროკავშირის შესახებ“ და „აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების მხარდაჭერის პროგრამა“.

SourceGeorgian Center for Security and Development

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VIDEO: Young Changemakers of Dilijan, Second Seminar

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VIDEO: Young Changemakers of Dilijan, First Seminar

Դիտե’ք «Young Changemakers 2018»-ի առաջին փուլի համառոտ ամփոփումն այստեղ։ Here is the quick review of the “Young Changemakers 2018”, first phase phase.

Опубліковано Dilijan Community Center Դիլիջանի համայնքային կենտրոն 24 січня 2018 р.

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Social experiment in Baku to assess public’s knowledge and attitude towards people with disabilities and their needs

Vafa Huseyinli, the EaP Civil Society Fellow-2017. and the National Automobile Club of Azerbaijan had recently conducted a social experiment in Baku aimed at assessing general public’s knowledge and attitude towards people with disabilities and their needs.

The respondents, who helped the actor, agreed with the fact that there is a strong need in accessible infrastructure – accessible transport and accessible roads including wheelchair ramps. Overall, the experiment had highlighted the importance of accessible infrastructure and presence of social appreciation for people with disabilities to consider themselves as equal members of the society.

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Christmas Cycling March in Tbilisi

On December 25, the Cycling March was organized on Rustaveli avenue in Tbilisi, Georgia. The goal of the Cycling March was to promote cycling as transport in Georgia. Over 50 cyclists (cycling club members, amateurs, Tbilisi City Hall representatives, Transport Department representatives, NGOs and interested people) took the march from the middle of the city to other central streets. The cyclists were wearing Santa’s suits and campaign T-shirts, and they congratulated Christmas and New Year and promoted cycling as transport among pedestrians and drivers in the streets.

During the march, the special flyers with advices on safe cycling and stickers were distributed among the cyclists and citizens. In addition, the educational trainings on safe cycling were held at school for about 50 schoolchildren.


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Over 30 teenagers in Dilijan learned about active citizenship, human rights and equality, cultural diversity, tolerance and volunteering

On December 24-25, 33 teenagers from Dilijan attended two full days of non-formal educational training. The first day session included topics of active citizenship, human rights and equality, cultural diversity, tolerance and volunteering. During this session participants learned how to work in teams.

The second day the participants learned about different types of leadership and practiced this skill during the teamwork process. By the end of the second day participant groups had developed community project ideas.

This has helped them develop community project ideas which they will analyze and implement during the second training in January.

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Youth of the Ararat region improved their leadership and social entrepreneurship skills and learned how to overcome common challenges in rural regions

In December 2017, four workshop sessions were conducted for young CSO leaders in the Ararat region of Armenia. The workshops covered the following topics:

  • Importance of a good leadership in CSOs
  • Social entrepreneurship as a key for social sustainability
  • Civic society in rural regions: how to overcome common challenges
  • Environmental issues and local communities: green alternatives to industry

The topics were chosen based on the previous surveys and interviews among the youth of Ararat region. Despite the variety and diversity of the listed topics, the workshops’ curriculum covered only the practical aspects of these themes.

The main goal of these sessions was to create a platform for civic leaders in the region, where they can share their ideas, elaborate on their challenges and strengthen their professional cooperation. Being assigned to practical tasks, case-based examples and group projects, which were included in the workshops’ curriculum, participants got an experience of collaborative working and acquired hands-on skills. The latter is going to help them to implement joint projects and tackle real-life issues in Ararat region in the future.

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Regional seminar in Telavi

Regional seminar about EU-Georgia relations was conducted in Telavi. The EU-Georgia relations, past experience, and future perspectives were discussed during the seminar with the participation of CSO and Media.

“აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების მხარდაჭერის პროგრამის“ ფარგლებში შეხვედრა გაიმართა თელავში. ადგილობრივ არასამთავრობო ორგანიზაციების, სკოლებისა და მედიის წარმომადგენლების მონაწილეობით განვიხილეთ საქართველო-ევროკავშირის ურთიერთობები, დახმარების პროგრამები, ევროკავშირთან დაკავშირებული მითების, შესაძლებლობები და სამომავლო პერსპექტივები.

ღონისძიების მხარდამჭერია „საინფორმაციო ცენტრი ნატოსა და ევროკავშირის შესახებ“ და „აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების მხარდაჭერის პროგრამა“.

SourceGeorgian Center for Security and Development

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