Under the captivating banner of “History Keepers,” Mariam Gersamia spearheaded a transformative Fellowship project aimed at fostering solidarity journalism for peace and security. Her project encompassed a wide array of activities that strengthened the bond between civically minded citizens of Georgia and Ukraine, all while elevating awareness concerning media coverage of vulnerable groups in Ukraine.
One of the notable achievements of this initiative was the creation and implementation of a joint training module and syllabus for universities titled “Solidarity Journalism in a Global Era.” This syllabus, approved and executed at Tbilisi State University’s graduate program “Media Psychology and Communications,” was a resounding success, engaging 15 students in the fall semester, including international students from Europe. The syllabus marks a pivotal step in shaping the future of journalism and nurturing a new generation of journalists focused on solidarity.
The project extended its reach through diverse activities, including webinars, training sessions, discussions featuring renowned journalists and civic activists, and an awarding ceremony for the “History Keepers.” Additionally, Mariam’s team produced podcasts, academic blogs, social media content, and quizzes focused on the history of Ukraine, Russian disinformation, and the essence of solidarity journalism.
The impact of Mariam’s Fellowship project has been far-reaching. Beneficiaries include students, media organizations, educators, and civil society organizations in both Ukraine and Georgia. The legacy of this project is one of increased awareness about solidarity journalism, the history of Ukraine and its people, and the establishment of the “History Keepers” programme. This initiative has fortified networks of support and understanding between Georgian and Ukrainian communities and promises to shape the future of journalism, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration across borders.
Check some of the resources produced by the project:
- How Putin’s military leadership is seen through a psychological lense? by Salome Mamasakhlisi
- Disinformation Myths about Ukraine: The Kievan Rus’ and the Alleged History by Raphaëlle Lhuissier
- 4 podcasts “What we should know about history of Ukraine and Russian disinformation” available on YouTube