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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Developing the national potential in re-socialization of justice-involved children

The project aimed to research the best practices, methods, and tools to help delinquent children in re-socializing and provide guidelines to the involved stakeholders, including the teachers, psychologists, officers from the National Inspectorate of Probation, police officers and volunteers. To achieve the latter objective, Corneliu did comprehensive and interdisciplinary research of the most effective ways of re-socializing justice-involved children. To explore the best practices, Corneliu undertook three study visits in Romania, Czech Republic, and Germany. During these visits at the Buzias Educational CenterCzech Probationa and Mediation ServiceIRZ, Bruke, Don Basco Youth Center, Youth Detention Centre in Dusseldorf, he held discussions with more than 40 field experts. The interviews and in-depth discussions played a crucial role in developing a final publication offering the best role-models targeted on the Moldovan Justice system.

The project produced a research publication introducing international practices on general incentives and mitigation measures of delinquent acts. The book is a guide for the policemen, probation officers, psychologists, pedagogues, and social workers to help juveniles involved in criminal activity. Corneliu published 800 copies of the book and distributed it among the education directorates, policemen, and probation officers across the country. Thus, the guidelines were also shared with the Youth Centers in Chisinau and Social Assistants from Chisinau and Criuleni. Overall, he covered six Moldovan cities, including Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, Gagauzia, Criuleni, Hîncești.

Research paper ‘Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Guidelines (in Russian)’:

Country Moldova
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Enhancing Ethical Standards in the Legal Profession

The project aimed to raise awareness about deontology and the importance of ethical standards in the legal system of Moldova. To do so, Olga selected four target groups (high school students, law students, lawyers and lawyers’ trainees, and senior legal professionals) and organized three meetings for each audience. The workshops for high school students delivered vocational orientation training and included the simulation of a court trial. Then, the training for law students was held in Chișinău, Bălți, and Cahul and addressed the issues of professional and personal development. The seminars for lawyers and lawyer trainees were tailored to discussing different aspects of professional ethics including conflicts of interests, independence, lawyer-client and lawyer-lawyer relations, and confidentiality. The well-known lawyers in the country were invited to speak about their experiences, successes, and failures in the profession. Finally, the joint events for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and other legal professionals brought senior professionals in a friendly atmosphere to share their perspectives about the ethical norms in the legal system. Following this, Olga organized a joint meeting for the European Young Bar Association, Moldovan Young Lawyers Association and representatives of the European Association of Lawyers.

The project delivered 12 workshops for different audiences interested or involved in the legal system. Within the framework of the action, 150 high school students raised awareness about professional ethics in the legal system. Also, 100 law students in three major cities of Moldova became more aware of professional standards and personal development. Besides, 100 lawyers and lawyer trainees discussed different aspects of professional ethics. Via the salon meetings, 50 senior legal professionals shared their viewpoints concerning the issues of ethics in law. In general, the above activities promoted ethical standards in the legal profession to enhance trust in the system of Justice in the eyes of the public and guarantee the protection of human rights. Therefore, the action enhanced international collaboration among representatives of the European Young Bar Association, Moldovan Young Lawyers Association, and the European Association of Lawyers.

Country Moldova
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CPR Advocacy to Investigate Financial Crimes

The project investigated the financial accusations of the Government of Moldova in money laundering of 22 billion USD to the European Union and the theft of approx. one billion USD from the National Bank of Moldova currency reserves. The action researched the ramifications of the above issue and advocated for an effective international investigation. Through desk research, Dumitru analyzed the legislation and identified the main institutional failures. To explore more information about the Moldovan authorities’ pledges, he reviewed all official documents at the national and international levels. Also, Dumitru organized joint events and consultancy meetings with other watchdog organizations to monitor the advocacy efforts. Apart from the research and scrutiny, the action developed a 30-minute documentary with multimedia elements, explaining the cause and effect of the stolen billions and money laundering on the Moldovan economy, society, and administration. 

The action raised awareness of the local population and the international community about money laundering and banking thefts in Moldova. By analyzing the official documents and practices, the Center for Policies and Reforms proposed an alternative assessment of the situation that has resonated in the media. Thus, the project mobilized local civil society organizations to exchange information, develop a joint advocacy concept and be more effective in demanding accountability from the government. Multiple visibility activities and an investigative documentary film reached a wider audience and spread fact-checked information about the much-discussed financial crisis.

In Kyiv and Chisinau, Citizens Thirsty for Reform But the Governments Aren’t, article by Dumitru Alaiba in Atlantic Council

Country Moldova
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Zaharia’s World: Restoration and digitalisation of the Zaharia Cusnir Photography Archive

The action: Zaharia’s World: Restoration and Digitalization of the Zaharia Cusnir Photography Archive was a creative project investigating historical, cultural, ethnographic evidence about Moldovan society and everyday life during the Cold War. The photographic archive was found in devastating conditions in an abandoned house in Moldova. Nadejda joined her colleague, who found the collection, and then mobilized a team to restore 70 negative films of the photographer and film-maker – Zaharia Cusnir. To present the digitized materials, Nadejda organized the “GAZE” Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova. The activities engaged wider audiences and arose discussions about the Moldovan historic and non-material heritage. Even two years after the project, the Archives are still in the spotlight and attract world-renowned magazines and media. 

The project produced 70 high-quality digitalized negative films and photos exposed in the Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau. The exhibition was open for 30 days and involved up to thousands of visitors. Through the restoration, digitalization, research, and dissemination of the archive, the project provided access to knowledge and cultural heritage of Soviet Moldova during the’50s-’60s, which has never been disclosed before. The prints used for the exhibition are now largely used for smaller promotional events in Moldova, which, again, enhance the visibility of the project. In 2020, Nadejda curated Zaharia’s Archive exhibition in Lublin, Poland, at the renowned festival. 

Country Moldova
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Evaluation of Public Transport in Chisinau, Moldova

The action aimed to assess and evaluate the urban public transport in Chisinau in terms of comfort, vehicles, reliability, accessibility, and other relevant variables. To elaborate on the more inclusive public policies, Stanislav engaged the city residents in the discourse via applying the user-centered approach. Through research and online surveys, he studied public perception about the local transportation in Moldova. To identify trends and appraise the quality of the municipal transport system, Stanislav created a database of the 10 general and 28 specific indicators. The survey results are public and accessible for anyone, including the local media and decision-makers. In parallel with the research, he organized meetings, workshops, and interviews with local authorities, civil society activists, and media outlets. To improve the qualification and expand professional networks in the field, Stanislav participated in the training course offered by the Institute for Training Transportation Professionals, Manchester (the UK).

The project produced the research document and survey database aimed to facilitate inclusive public policies in Chisinau. Through the policy-oriented research, Stanislav enhanced critical thinking among the city residents and liaised between the people and the government by designing innovative solutions. Hence, the database played a crucial role for the local government in identifying public preferences. The research findings will serve as basic guidelines for the government while making policies on sustainable public transportation. Hence, the workshops and training held within the project increased the awareness of civil society actors; the meetings with the public officials put the topic of public transportation at the forefront of their political agenda.

Country Moldova
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