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Empowering Youth Through Digital Tools
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Fellowship Programme
Area of Interest
Updates coming soon!
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Updates coming soon!
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project began with a public call inviting CSOs to participate in workshops focused on needs assessment methodologies. Three workshops were conducted, bringing together a total of 45 participants, including CSO directors, project managers, volunteers, young people, and women from rural areas. These workshops provided a platform for participants to enhance their understanding of the challenges faced by youth and women and to learn best practices for needs assessment.
Additionally, the project selected 15 local NGOs from different regions of the country to receive mentoring support. These organizations were guided in conducting their own needs assessments, with a focus on identifying the specific needs of youth and women in their communities. The project also developed and distributed a supporting toolkit to assist these NGOs in their assessment process. To further extend the project’s reach, a webinar was organized, attracting 75 participants from various CSOs, youth centers, and women’s associations.
As a result of the project, CSOs have increased their confidence in assessing community needs and have become more engaged in communication with local public administrations. The project has also contributed to a more active approach in working with young people and women beneficiaries, ultimately enhancing the impact of CSOs in addressing the needs of these vulnerable groups.
Moving forward, the project’s impact is expected to be sustained through the dissemination of knowledge and skills gained by trained CSOs to their partners, as well as the continued use of the supporting toolkit for conducting effective needs assessments. The project has laid a foundation for CSOs to play a more proactive role in addressing the needs of youth and women, contributing to the overall development and well-being of their communities.
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project activities were aimed to analyze local and international legislation and strategies in Social Entrepreneurship (SE) and develop a lobby and advocacy campaigns to introduce the best practices for local legislation. To achieve the project’s objectives, Zinaida analyzed the effective methods of developing social entrepreneurship in EU countries (Romania in particular), researched the local legislation, and introduced amendments accordingly. Hence, to develop the organizational capacity of the local social enterprises and NGOs, the project team created the Social Entrepreneurship Platform working mostly in Transnistria and conducted a number of online events. Within the frame of the action, the Zinaida held over 20 offline/online working sessions to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the engaged stakeholders, drafted legislative initiatives, and a 2-year strategy/action plan for the SE Platform. Finally, she organized an international online conference tailored to social entrepreneurship and a better synergy among the executive branch, business communities, and the social initiative groups.
The project accelerated the development of the social entrepreneurship (SE) sector in Transnistria through research, lobby, and advocacy campaigns in this area. Therefore, the action delivered the research document analyzing the current landscape of the local social enterprises and the collaborative platform facilitating the cooperation among the 21 stakeholders. As a result of the active contribution of the local and national NGOs, lawyers, independent experts, etc, the project team developed a legislative initiative submitted to the Parliament. The changes will allow social enterprises to pay less taxes, and to have less bureaucratic procedures.
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
This action was a follow-up initiative of the creative project: Zaharia’s World: Restoration and Digitalization of the Zaharia Cusnir Photography Archive previously implemented by Nadejda Cervinscaia, EaP Fellow 2017. To promote the heritage of Zaharia Cusnir – the Moldovan photographer and film-maker, Victor formally established a non-profit organization – Pod to proceed with the further projects linked to Zaharia’s creative materials. Also, the action aimed to digitalize the full photo archive and launched it from the very early stage. Following this, Victor created a website and professional social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to present the digitized photographs. Even two years after the project, the Archives are still in the spotlight and attract world-renowned magazines and media.
The action raised the visibility of the Moldovan non-material heritage from the ’50s-’60s and produced 3,751 high-quality digitized negative photos from Zaharia Cusnir’s archive. Additionally, Victor established a Non-governmental organization – Pod; the organization revives Zaharia’s World as it has already delivered a documentary film about the photographer. Other tangible deliverables of the project are the website www.zaharia.md and the social media pages, including Facebook hitting 2,000 likes in 6 months after it was first launched. The website and social media channels enable the local and international public to return to history and enjoy the Moldovan ethnocultural identity. Through the restoration, digitalization and dissemination of the archive, both projects provided access to knowledge and cultural heritage of Soviet Moldova which has never been disclosed before.
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action aimed to encourage the first-time voters (18 years old) from Moldova to vote at the Presidential Elections (October-November 2020) through the national advocacy campaign: Voting Is not only our right but also, Our Power! To enhance the young people’s political knowledge about the electoral process and transform their general anti-system attitude into constructive criticism, Ludmila conducted research, educational, community outreach and large-scale communication campaigns. To identify key messages, Ludmila conducted desk research and drafted a policy brief on youth voter participation in the Republic of Moldova. Following this, she developed educational videos and the e-learning course: Learn Elections with the Online Election Courses explaining the specifics of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local elections. Then, Ludmila launched a social media campaign: My First Vote and encouraged electoral participation through the Facebook and Instagram platforms. In the last stage of the project, she engaged the members of the National Network for Legal Education comprised of the Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, Anti-Corruption Officers and Civil Society Leaders to create the concept of the Democracy Classes containing 8 thematic webinars on the political engagement targeted on the high school students aged 17-18.
The Action produced a policy brief: Why You Should Vote along with 10 visual designs, promoting electoral participation among the young people in Moldova. Through the e-learning course and its 5 educational videos, the project engaged 200 users and raised their awareness of the national electoral systems. Also, the extensive advocacy campaign: My First Vote generated 32 Facebook/Instagram posts reaching and encouraging more than 76,000 young people to vote. On top of that, the Democracy Classes involved the field experts and educated 277 participants via the 5 live streams on the CIPM Facebook page.
Online Course: Learn Elections with the Online Election Courses
Atributiile presedintelui / Duties of the President:
7 motive pentru care sa votezi / 7 reasons to vote:
Publication “My first vote”
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project aimed to develop an open source of data on youth budget in Moldova, raise visibility of the budgetary process and build capacity for the young leaders to monitor and advocate their initiatives at the local level. The project was implemented in five stages. First, Anna researched data on the Ministry of Finance of Moldova, developed an evidence-based youth budget map and integrated it on the website of the National Youth Council of Moldova. Then, she developed an online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists; 7 training sessions with a clear illustration of the public process of budgeting, methods and tools to participate is available on Youtube channels of Invento and NYCM. Following this, Ana conducted mentoring webinars and one offline training for the young people and youth workers from the eight regions (Comrat, Șoldănești, Fălești, Chișinău, Drochia, Rezina, Glodeni, Cimișlia) of Moldova. Afterwards, she launched the YouthPodcast: #Public Money for Youth, producing 3 video and 3 audio podcasts to promote youth leadership and budgetary participation. The last phase of the project comprised the Local campaigns on #knowYOUr(th)Budget. Once trained and mentored, the young people from the above regions developed proposals on youth budget and action plans for 2021 that were submitted to the local authorities. In total, 7 action plans were proposed.
The action raised awareness of the youth budget monitoring and developed/promoted evidence-based initiatives through the official page of the National Youth Council of Moldova reaching more than 20,000 young people. Also, it advocated for youth budgetary participation on the local level through the online course and mentoring webinars engaging more than 430 young leaders from the 8 regions of Moldova. Moreover, youthpodcast #Public Money for Youth promoted the success stories of meaningful participation by the executives of the National Youth Council of Moldova, Municipal Youth Center from Chișinău, etc. and reached more than 3 000 young people. Finally, as a tangible deliverable of the #knowYOUr(th)Budget campaign, two regions (Fălești and Rezina) integrated the youth proposals to the municipal budget for 2021.
Project infographics:
Online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists (in Romanian):
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 1: Introducere | #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 2: De ce este importantă participarea #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 3: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 4: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 5: Procesul bugetar #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 6: Cum participăm? #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 7: Cheltuielile de tineret #You(r)th Budget
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action aimed to tackle bullying/cyberbullying in schools of Cantemir district. To raise the issue on top of the agenda, Victoria undertook a special course in Italy specifically tailored to bullying and then, delivered training for teachers and school management in her region. More precisely, she trained the Principals, Vice-Principals, and the Presidents of the Student Council from all the gymnasiums of Cantemir district on the phenomenon of bullying and its mitigation measures. To minimize the violence at schools, Victoria engaged the local District Board of Education in the project. On top of that, the action held the anti-bullying and anti-violence campaign at 3+2 schools with the highest rate of bullying cases in Cantemir district.
The project raised awareness of approximately 100 School Managers (School Principals, Vice-Principals and Presidents of the Student Council) and more than 1,200 pupils on bullying and its prevention. The workshops facilitated discussions and dialogue between teachers and students. Therefore, the recommendations sent to the local District Board of Education brought the government bodies into the discourse of tackling violence at the middle educational institutions. Thus, as a result of the anti-bullying campaign, five schools exhibited 20 motivational posters promoting kindness and respect for each other. The action built the capacity of Victoria since she had an opportunity to travel to Italy and raise her qualification in the issue.
Project in media:
Fenomenul “Bullying-ului în școli” studiat în raionul Cantemir
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action aimed to increase the capacity of the local non-governmental organization Moldova Lavender Association and enhance their opportunities to enter the EU market. To achieve the above objective, Alexandru conducted analytical, educational and community outreach actions. First, he pursued field research on an Essential Oils Industry. Then, the fellow had a 6-day field visit to the Head Office of the European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO) in Hamburg, Germany, where he learned about the European Sectoral Regulations and EFEO’s activity. Following this, Alexandru held training for the Moldova Lavender Association members and shared the experience acquired from the visit to EFEO. Finally, to foster cooperation among the field professionals, he organized the First National Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Chisinau, Moldova.
The action built capacity for the staff members of the Moldova Lavender Association and raised their awareness of the Global and European industry. As a tangible result of the project, the local organization started a long-term partnership with the European Federation of Essential Oils (EFEO). Therefore, the number of members of the Moldova Lavender Association increased from 12 to 23 and attracted other donors to finance the further projects. Hence, the first National Conference fostered collaboration among the farmers, public officials and donors and engaged more than 55 stakeholders from the sector. The project encouraged the Ministry of Agriculture of Moldova to initiate the development of the National Strategy on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Moldova.
Project in media:
Plantele medicinale și aromatice ecologice – unele dintre cele mai profitabile și solicitate culturi
Creșterea plantelor aromatice și medicinale – o ramură cu mari perspective pentru țara noastră
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |