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Fellowship Programme


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Increasing the Leadership Potential of Adolescents Studying at Vocational Schools

The action aimed to increase the leadership potential of adolescents/students of vocational schools within a non-formal education program Development Studies. The project brought together 50 students (aged from 14 to 25) in Kyiv who endeavored to improve the personal and social competencies. Hence, Katerina organized five one-day training sessions covering the trending topics, including social change, public activism, youth participation, creative thinking, and social project visibility. The young leaders applied newly-developed skills in practice and brainstormed/implemented ten socially-beneficial initiatives in their communities. Finally, the project deliverables and action results were assessed at the final event engaging all project beneficiaries.

The project produced a training program Development Studies, tailored to enhance the personal, social, and leadership skills of the young people. The action delivered five thematic training and raised awareness of the 50 young students in the Kyiv region, Ukraine. The training sessions served as a platform to discuss the social challenges faced by the local community, develop creative thinking, brainstorm special methods (SMART, Mind Map, Skill Swap) of the project management. As a result, the participants of the Development Studies program developed a proactive attitude and implemented ten initiatives after the completion of the training.

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Photo Report: New Trainings and Evaluation Work

On September 15, Armine Hovhannisyan conducted a workshop on the development of co-operation between mentors and mentees in “WELead” program. During the training the participants summed up the effectiveness of their work and planned the upcoming steps.We also had been hosted at Article 3, where we attended “Without obstacles. the first step towards the labor market “interactive training. Our young women members are continuing to develop and learn something new from each other.


Այսօր Սեպտեմբերի 15-ին տեղի ունեցավ ԵԿԱԱ ծրագրի մենթորների և մենթիների համագործակցության զարգացմանն ուղղված դասընթաց, որը վարեց Արմինե Հովհաննիսյանը: Դասընթացի ընթացքում ծրագրի մասնակիցները ամփոփեցին իրենց կատարած աշխատանքի արդյունավետությունը և պլանավորեցին առաջիկա քայլերը: Բայց այդ մենք` դեռևս առավոտից հյուրընկալվել էինք «Հոդված 3» ակումբում, որտեղ մասնակցեցինք
«Առանց խոչընդոտների. առաջին քայլ դեպի աշխատաշուկա» ինտերակտիվ դասընթացին:
Մեր ակումբի երիտասարդ կանայք շարունակում ենք սահուն քայլերով զարգանալ և զարգացնել իրենց գիտելիքները:

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Photo Report: Study Visit to Yerevan

On July 29 we really had a wonderful study visit to Yerevan city. In the beginning we had interesting workshops with 14 different organization who work with youth and support them to develop their potentials as true leaders, to study abroad or do volunteering works there. We were hosted by Human Rights House and we stayed there till the evening. For the second part of our study visit we were hosted by newly established Fem Library where we had a very interactive event with Ulrike Roberts who shared with us her inspiring story.
We are going back to Armavir with great motivation and new skills which we just learned.

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Photo Report: Team Building Training for the Women Leadership Club’s Members

Today on July 14 we had team building training which aimed to develop general team values and the idea of great team. After the training we can confidently say that the members of Women Leadership Club are mastering team building abilities.
Special thanks to our trainer Tatev Karapetyan


Այսօր` հուլիսի 14-ին « Երիտասարդ Կանանց Առաջնորդության Ակումբում» տեղի ունեցավ թիմի կառուցման դասընթաց , որի նպատակն էր ստեղծել ընդհանուր արժեքներ և ամրապնդել ընդհանուր թիմի գաղափարը: Դասընթացից հետո վստահորեն կարող ենք ասել, որ մեր ակումբի աղջիկները տիրապետում են առողջ թիմ կառուցելու բոլոր հմտություններին: Հատուկ շնորհակալություն Տաթև Կարապետյանին ով անցկացրեց դասընթացը:

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Advocacy of Better Implementation of Public Consultations in Ukraine

The project aimed to draw public attention to the importance of the Draft Law on Public Consultations in Ukraine. To achieve the above objective, Olena conducted research, community outreach, and capacity-building activities. First, she analyzed the Draft Law on Public Consultation across the country covering 27 Local Authorities, 14 Public Agencies, 18 Ministries, and 21 public Services of Ukraine. Then, based on the accumulated data, Olena developed an analytical study, policy brief, and guidelines. Following this, she submitted a list of recommendations to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and organized workshops in two regional Ukrainian cities – Cherkasy and Kryvyi Rih. To share the project deliverables on a larger scale, Olena and two EaP fellows from Ukraine Anna Yemelyanova and Karina Litvinova organized E-Democracy Forum, engaging up to 70 public servants from Ukraine.

The action produced an analytical paper and guidelines (online + 500 copies) researching the legal process of public consultations in Ukraine, both at the central and local levels. The policy brief: E-consultations as a Part of Public Consultations in Ukraine and relevant guidelines evolved public discussion among the officials and other stakeholders at the E-Democracy Forum. Through sharing the list of recommendations with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the project facilitated public dialogue with the government of Ukraine. Thus, two regional seminars served as a collaborative platform for the non-governmental organizations, public authorities, and local deputies to discuss the draft law recommendations. On top of that, the advocacy video about the benefits of public consultations raised awareness of the local authorities and the general public.

Guidelines on public consultations  (in Ukrainian):

‘e-Consultations’ Policy Guide (in Ukrainian):


Country Ukraine
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Bicycle-Friendly Business Certification Programme

The project aimed to design and launch a Bike-Friendly Certification Programme in Kyiv, Ukraine. Also, Marianna intended to check whether tourist services such as gastronomy, accommodation, campsites, tourist attractions, or shops in Kyiv had stores, basic repair tools, or information about cycling in the region. To achieve the latter objective, she implemented the action through 3 stages. First, Marianna collected and analyzed information from Germany (ADFC German Bicycle Club) and France (FUB – French Federation of Bicycle Users). Then, she created a website with promo video, and exclusive Bike-Friendly Certificates. The program was designed with two-level certificates – Green (basic) and Gold (advanced).  At the final stage of the project, Marianna held a final conference engaging business companies and local authorities, including the Tourism Department of the Kyiv City Administration, media representatives, cyclists, and other interested parties.  As a result, first bicycle-friendly companies (cafés, restaurants, business centers, and even a law firm) were awarded the programme certificates at the press-briefing. Afterwards, the Program developed an exclusive Orange Certificate for non-profit organizations, such as theatres, libraries etc.

The action launched the first bicycle-friendly business certification system in Ukraine. Through the program website and other visibility materials, the program promoted the most socially responsible partner companies. The Program sustainability tool is a website, where users can access all relevant information such as conditions of the Program, rules for participation, types of certificates, map with company location etc. Also, the action produced 2 videos about the program. The Project developed three certificates: Green award was given to the companies with the basic parking services and stores for the bicycles when the Gold certificate was granted to the enterprises with advanced facilities, such as toolkit box for repair work, maps with bicycle infrastructure, etc.; the Orange was designed for the non-profit organizations. The final conference served as a platform to facilitate collaboration among governmental agencies, businesses, and other NGOs. The action improved Marianna’s professional skills; during her internship at the ADFC German Bicycle Club Berlin, she learned how to design and launch the certification program while the traineeship at the French Federation of Bicycle Users (Strasbourg) was an opportunity to extend her international contacts.  Thus, having launched the final press-conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine – Lev Partschladze actively supported the Project.

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Carrying out an evaluation of local youth work

The action aimed to evaluate a local youth work in the three South-Eastern regions (Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk, and Donetsk) of Ukraine and determine youth in line with the state priorities as of May-November 2018. Also, the action addressed the problems, such as low quality of youth work management and low level of youth participation in the small Ukrainian communities. To achieve the above objectives, Valeria studied the Ukrainian and European Standards of youth work at the local level. Then, she contacted the regional Departments of Youth Policy and started to research the issue. Following this, she visited 8 Ukrainian towns (Including Mariupol, Melitopol, Zhovti Vody, Kramatorsk, Kamianske, Vasilievka, etc) and conducted focus groups in the field. Finally, she conducted an online survey of approximately 600 young people to define the qualitative trends and developed recommendations for the local authorities. In addition, Valeriia organized a roundtable to promote the survey results. 

The action produced an analytical digest: “Youth Work in the South-Eastern Part of Ukraine: Current Status and Prospects.” The study reviews the local conditions for youth participation and youth infrastructure and suggests successful practices of youth work in the target regions. The electronic and printed (150 copies) versions of the report were distributed among the local city halls, governmental divisions, and partner organizations. All in all, the analytical paper and roundtable event served as an instrument to raise awareness of the local government, media, and other stakeholders in terms of challenges and mitigation measures to increase youth participation in Ukraine.

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Team Expoziție inedită de fotografii găsite într-o casă părăsită la nordul Moldovei

Fotografii făcute în anii ’50-’60 ai secolului trecut, găsite într-o casă părăsită din raionul Florești, vor fi expuse mâine, 6 iulie, la Muzeul de Artă al Moldovei. Lucrările au fost realizate de Zaharia Cușnir, un lucrător simplu al colhozului din Florești, care s-a adeverit a fi și pasionat de fotografie.

Zaharia Cușnir a fotografiat oamenii din raionul Florești și din cinci sate vecine, timp de zece ani.

Potrivit Nadejdei Cervinscaia, curatoarea expoziției, cele peste patru mii de fotografii artistice au fost găsite de către Victor Galușca, un tânăr regizor, într-o casă părăsită. Acestea erau înșirate pe jos, într-o stare satisfăcătoare. „Ele reprezintă o sursă de cercetare etnografică a portului popular, a caselor și a arhitecturii moldovenești din acei ani. De asemenea, este o mare resursă de cercetare socială și istorică, pentru că perioada ceea nu a fost simplă pentru oameni. Este vorba de rusificare și lucru în colhoz”, spune Nadejda.


Tânăra artistă menționează că Zaharia a reușit să capteze spiritele oamenilor, ceea ce gândesc și simt. „Vrem să facem o cercetare minuțioasă a fotografiilor, pentru că este important ca să regăsim oamenii din imagini. Ne dorim să reînviem interesul pentru fotografia de familie, de arhivă”, a declarat Nadejda, mărturisindu-ne că au găsit fiica fotografului.


Vernisajul se numește „Revedere” și va fi deschis până la 26 august. Mai multe detalii pe pagina de facebook a evenimentului.

Expoziția a fost pregătită cu suportul Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship 2017.


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Ethnic Kists, residing in the Pankisi Gorge, constitute part of the overall Muslim population of Georgia. Pankisi Gorge is located in Kakheti region, Eastern Georgia. According to the census 2014, currently up to 6000 Kists live in the villages of the Pankisi Gorge. Since early 2000’s Pankisi Gorge is firmly associated with crime, terrorism and religious radicalism. Mariam idea was to investigate this issue, understand the roots of this perception and learn how the young Kists counter the stigma of terrorism,

Mariam Amashukeli: “Based on my study findings religious radicalization as such is not present in case of Muslim population (ethnic Kists/Chechens) residing in Pankisi Gorge. It should be emphasized that the harsh/reactive State policy towards the Gorge as well as lack of proficiency in case of majority of the national Media outlets, strongly contributed to shaping inaccurate public opinion about the Gorge which in turn led to labeling the Kist community as (potential) terrorist. Since a stigma of terrorism appeared to be the most important issue in case of the Pankisi population {…}, I decided to write the comprehensive research report unfolding the main challenges in regard to the Pankisi community”.

Mariam’s research project aimed at identifying the young Kists’ responses countering the stigma of terrorism and related issues such as the outflow of Pankisians to Syria, the spread of Salafism in the Gorge and the role of the State in maintaining peace and security in this region. Within her research Mariam collected the narratives of young Salafi as well as non-Salafi respondents and pubslished the report EN/COUNTERING STIGMA OF TERRORISM: THE CASE OF PANKISI.


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Photo report: Opening of ‘WeLead’ Young Women Leadership Club in Armavir city

Last week of June 30 it was the official opening of WeLead Young Women Leadership Club in Armavir city. In this event 24 young women participants and their 12 mentors took part in networking and active discussions about the role of women in society.

Անցյալ շաբաթ ` հունիսի 30-ին , ք. Արմավիրում տեղի ունեցավ «ԵԿԱԱ»-ի (երիտասարդ կանանց առաջնորդության ակումբի) պաշտոնական բացման արարողությունը: Բացմանը ներկա էին ծրագրի 24 երիտասարդ կին մասնակիցները և իրենց 12 կին մենթորները: Միջոցառումը տեղի ունեցավ ջերմ և ընկերական միջավայրում ` ճանաչողական զրույցներով և կանանց դերը հասարակության մեջ թեմայի շուրջ բուռն քննարկումներով:

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