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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Making Family-Friendly Workplaces Workable

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims at advocating for reforms to improve employment terms for working women, through research and promotion of good practices from EU Member States.

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Country Armenia
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CSOs4ECC: CSOs for Effective Cross Sectoral Cooperation

Fellowship Summary: The objective of the ‘CSOs4ECC’ Fellowship is to enhance cross-sectoral cooperation among CSOs and other local stakeholders(LSG, Private sector) in Tavush and Lori regions for more effective and impactful collaboration promoting locally-led/need-based operations, local ownership and sustainability.

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Country Armenia
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Evaluating Local Government’s Contribution to Sustainable Development

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project will assess Yerevan’s sustainable development policies, measure impact on greening the city, air quality & waste management through analysis of the effectiveness of city projects in reaching SDG3. The Fellow will identify policy gaps, recommend interventions based on best practices, promote collaboration & accountability.

Updates coming soon!

Country Armenia
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Learning for Liberation: Adult Education for Empowerment of Marginalized Communities

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project will promote adult education approaches to capacity-building programs for marginalized groups. The fellow will undertake analysis of NGO training programmes working with ethnic minorities, domestic violence survivors, LGBTI people, and people with disabilities, then design and delivery of ToT (with handbook) for the trainers from these NGOs on how to apply adult education approaches to their work.

Updates coming soon!

Country Armenia
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Synergizing Voices: Empowering Municipalities through Innovative Communication Strategies

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to promote well-informed decision-making processes in Armenia by developing a pilot comprehensive communication strategy methodology for the Ijevan community, which thereafter can be replicated.

Updates coming soon!

Country Armenia
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Evidence-based Youth Policy Development in Armenia

Fellowship Summary: Preparing and promoting a participatory policy analysis as evidence for reforming youth policies in Armenia, with support from a youth CSO social media campaign.

Grigor’s project was focused on exploring and enhancing youth participation in policy development and decision-making in Armenia. Its cornerstone is the publication of a bilingual Armenian-English Research Report “Youth Participation in Policy Development and Decision-Making”. (Download the Research Report in English here and in Armenian here). This comprehensive report sheds light on the political and civic involvement of young people at both the community and state levels. It identifies key issues and provides 22 recommendations for addressing gaps and needs, targeting national and local authorities, international organizations, and political parties.

The project engaged a wide range of stakeholders, including youth workers, youth policymakers, and national authorities responsible for youth, who were interviewed to gather valuable insights. Additionally, Grigor and his colleagues reached out to approximately 200 young people through an online survey and conducted five focus groups involving 50 participants in total, including young people and policymakers. This collaborative effort ensured that diverse perspectives were incorporated into the research. Furthermore, Grigor took a study trip to Brussels to learn about evidence-based youth policy development and implementation best practices.

The impact of the work is already evident, as its recommendations have been considered during the drafting of the Law on Youth and the Youth Policy Strategy and Action Plan of Armenia.  Furthermore,  the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO will utilize the methodology developed within the project to conduct the same study annually, monitoring changing patterns and emerging trends.

Country Armenia
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Women Bike Camp in Vanadzor

Fellowship Summary: Design and deliver a campaign and a ‘bike camp’ which uses the promotion of healthy lifestyles as a tool for the empowerment of women.
Country Armenia
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MEntor – Me as a mentor

Fellowship Summary: Based on international good practices, develop and deliver a Handbook for mentors of Erasmus and other international student exchange beneficiaries.

I feel like I was born to volunteer!”, says Nensi Mkrtchyan as she explains about her first experience with European Volunteer Service (EVS) in Armenia.  “It was a wonderful learning experience, meeting with young people from France, Spain, Italy…and it showed me that schemes like EVS demonstrate how united people can be without borders!

After supporting EVS, Nensi learned all about the Erasmus+ programme and realised that Armenia would benefit from having a network that pooled the experience of Erasmus students.  Thus, in 2021 the Erasmus Student Network in Armenia, founded by Nensi, was formally registered and joined the global ESN.  In order to strengthen the work of the network Nensi wanted to build the capacity for mentoring among the students and therefore designed her Fellowship around the concept of ‘MEntor – Me as a Mentor’.

Through the Fellowship Nensi has been able to research successful mentoring schemes of ESN Croatia and others, and develop Armenia’s first ever bi-lingual handbook on mentoring.  She has also created a cluster of young mentors within ESN Armenia and supported them through the delivery of a training on how to mentor effectively.  “I want the ESN members to use mentoring as a tool for personal development, given that the relationship and sharing between mentor and mentee is equally rewarding for both”.

The highlight of Nensi’s Fellowship has undoubtedly been her project’s final event at which the handbook on mentoring was formally launched in the company of the ESN members, the EU Delegation in Yerevan, and other volunteer-focused stakeholders.  The event also coincided with ESN Armenia’s 1st anniversary, so the Fellowship ended with a birthday cake!

Nensi is currently enrolled in an Advanced Master’s programme of European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe in Natolin (Poland), but is clear that her future lies with contributing to the development of Armenia. “I envisage that I will always be occupied with activities that are non-profit and public service oriented, and would like to do as much as possible to help Armenia get closer to the values and opportunities of the EU”.

If you want to know more about the results of Nensi’s Fellowship project, please download her latest publications. The purpose of the “Guide for Mentors of International Volunteers and Students” is to collect best practices and assist mentors in their mentoring experience while hosting international volunteers and students in their local university, organisation and community in general.

Country Armenia
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Research for Advocacy for Higher Quality of Care in Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Armenia

This Fellowship research project aimed to study the experience of pregnant women in maternal health care centers of Armenia and advance the implementation of an integrated person-centered model of obstetric care in the country. As a component of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this initiative can be exemplified by the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health 2016–2030 which has expanded the focus of its objectives to cover not merely the survival but also thriving of women and children so that they can achieve their full potential for health and well-being, and contribute to the transformative change envisioned in the SDGs. To promote higher quality obstetric services, Suren conducted research and pursued advocacy campaigns with his team. First, the gaps, inconsistencies, and violation of patients’ rights in the local hospitals were examined and the extent of person-centered maternity care during facility-based childbirth was assessed; then he prepared the summary of specific recommendations for the Ministry of Health and relevant organizations in the sector. Following this, Suren launched an advocacy campaign, trained the administration and staff members in all 12 maternity hospitals along with the validation of suggested recommendations, and disseminated research findings to the wider audience.  

The project produced a research paper analyzing the data collected from 729 patients of all 12 health facilities of Yerevan delivering maternal care services. The project also facilitated high-level discussions on the challenges and solutions of advancing the integrated person-centered model of obstetric care in Armenia. As an advocacy campaign, Suren conducted 14 workshops in the sector organizations and the Ministry of Health, allowing him to raise the awareness of over 150 obstetric care providers, policy-makers, and health care planners in the field. The action overall promoted person-centered maternity care as a quality attribute of obstetric care delivery and suggested expertise-based recommendations to the relevant entities to advance the health, wellbeing, and human rights of women and children in the country.

Country Armenia
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