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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Raising awareness on EU visa free rules and opportunities for Georgia

The project aimed to raise awareness of the Georgian public on the EU-free movement in the EU/Schengen area and therefore, reduce the risks of the violation of the EU-Georgia visa regulations. To achieve the latter objective, Gogita conducted field research and interviews with local and international experts. Then, he prepared the Policy Brief on the EU-Georgia Visa-Free Movement and shared it with the relevant state institutions, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. In the final stage, he organized 10 interactive workshops across the country. The seminars were held in 8 Georgian cities and engaged the students, teachers, journalists, non-governmental organizations, etc. Finally, to share the findings of the policy paper to the international community, Gogita attended the Second Association Exchange Forum in Kyiv dedicated to Association Agreement implementation in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine and delivered a speech at the panel discussion on the topic of Post-Visa Free Agenda for Political Associations and Corporations on Justice, Freedom, and Security.

 The action raised awareness of the nearly 500 young people in the eight Georgian cities. Based on the desk research and interviews, Gogita developed a comprehensive Policy Brief –  EU-Georgia Visa-Free Movement – Achievements and Challenges. The document incorporates a complex analysis of Georgia’s visa-free movement in the European Union and suggests recommendations for the Georgian Government. Thus, the project produced 25,000 informative leaflets about the visa-free movement regulations. The leaflets were distributed to the public during the regional meetings and different communication campaigns organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and the host organization – Georgian Center for Strategy and Development (GCSD). All in all, the training, policy brief, informative leaflets and online campaign served as an instrument to raise policy discussions and improve policy coherence on the EU-Georgia’s visa-free issues.

Country Georgia
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Developing the national potential in re-socialization of justice-involved children

The project aimed to research the best practices, methods, and tools to help delinquent children in re-socializing and provide guidelines to the involved stakeholders, including the teachers, psychologists, officers from the National Inspectorate of Probation, police officers and volunteers. To achieve the latter objective, Corneliu did comprehensive and interdisciplinary research of the most effective ways of re-socializing justice-involved children. To explore the best practices, Corneliu undertook three study visits in Romania, Czech Republic, and Germany. During these visits at the Buzias Educational CenterCzech Probationa and Mediation ServiceIRZ, Bruke, Don Basco Youth Center, Youth Detention Centre in Dusseldorf, he held discussions with more than 40 field experts. The interviews and in-depth discussions played a crucial role in developing a final publication offering the best role-models targeted on the Moldovan Justice system.

The project produced a research publication introducing international practices on general incentives and mitigation measures of delinquent acts. The book is a guide for the policemen, probation officers, psychologists, pedagogues, and social workers to help juveniles involved in criminal activity. Corneliu published 800 copies of the book and distributed it among the education directorates, policemen, and probation officers across the country. Thus, the guidelines were also shared with the Youth Centers in Chisinau and Social Assistants from Chisinau and Criuleni. Overall, he covered six Moldovan cities, including Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, Gagauzia, Criuleni, Hîncești.

Research paper ‘Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Guidelines (in Russian)’:

Country Moldova
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Photo Exhibition “GAZE”, July 6 – August 26, 2018 / National Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova

Photo Exhibition “GAZE”

“Only the man is always changing,
over the world forever raging”

“GAZE” is the exhibition of a photo archive, that will take place on July 6 – August 26, 2018 at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Chisinau, Moldova. The exhibition curator, Nadejda Cervinscaia, was empowered by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Fellowship 2017. “GAZE” exhibition foresees to unveil and to mirror the interior world of a visitor, so the onlooker can rethink the essence of life and detach from the modern chaos.


“GAZE” means repeating the alphabet of human feelings.

Accidentally found, the photographs blown by winds, but caressed by so many winters, summers and miracles, behold the spirit of past, the one of ’50-’60.
Only man is always changing,
Over the world forever ranging;
We each do our place retain,
As we were, so we remain;

The negative films were awaiting being discovered up until 2016. They are the creation of Zaharia Cușnir (1912-1993), firstly a teacher, then a kolkhoz worker, but in the rest of his time, he was a photographer with a special artistic sense. Zaharia left almost 4000 moments captured on the negative films. These moments breath faces, happinesses, aspirations, thoughts of the people on the Răut river in Moldova.

“Only man is always changing,
Over the world forever ranging;”
wrote M. Eminescu, so a human is always changing, or maybe not…?

The exhibition “GAZE” is a retrospective of times’, people’s and land’s metamorphosis. The portraits are gazing the visitor stubbornly enough to reveal the reality from the past. That is to say, “GAZE” aims to draw a parallel between the visitor and life moments caught by the camera of Zaharia. So, be prepared to rediscover of yourself in the ranging world, encounter the small kid or the sensible and mature person from the soul’s depth, feel the emotions connected to different life phases, this is the consistency of the exhibition within the small hall of the Museum.

“GAZE” includes 36 B&W photographs, which are the windows into the past that englobe both a historical period, and the truth of the people. Will you meet them for the first time, or maybe you already know them? The exhibition space proposes an immersive experience of time and human relationship. Moreover, the documentary “Who loves but leaves” (marked with 3 film prizes: Cronograf 2017, SimFest Târgu Mureș 2017 și Docuart București 2017) made by the film
director Victor Galușca will encompass the personal experience of the viewer.

The media and audience are very much encouraged to support the exhibition by visiting it and spreading the word through social media. Check out the facebook page and use the hashtag #RVDR_ZahariaCusnir.

For any inquiries about the exhibition, please, contact Nadejda Cervinscaia, the curator of “GAZE” Exhibition, [email protected]/ +37379792346, +39 349 173 2614 or Victor Galușca – film director, +37379318650.

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Improvement of the Ukrainian Academy of Paediatrics accountability and link to its target groups by supporting care givers of the children with chronic diseases via Parent’s Initiative Social Accelerator

The project aimed to create and launch a Parents’ Initiatives Social Accelerator (PISA) – a training model to trigger and facilitate collaborative involvement of families with their professional counterparts (pediatricians and family doctors). To achieve the latter objective, Antin created a communication/collaborative platform for the parents of children with chronic diseases and their doctors. The interactive training and meetings were tailored to build mutual understanding among mothers and fathers with different initiatives selected for the project.

The action equipped target groups with relevant information and tools to build organizational and communication strategies; Also, the project raised public awareness about the medical and rehabilitation methods. Overall, the engaged adults advanced their access to medical services provided by health care professionals. Thus, the parents became more aware of the behavioral change specifics and learned how to adhere to therapies and modify behavioral risk factors of their children.

Country Ukraine
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National Research on e-Petitions

The action aimed to identify the effectiveness of the newly-emerged (2015) e-petition instruments in Ukraine. To do so, Anya conducted the first national fact-based e-petition research in 393 cities of Ukraine. The data was collected through electronic applications requesting public information from the local authorities. To assess the level of public dialogue between the citizens and the local authorities, the survey measured various indicators, including the number of submitted, reviewed, supported, and implemented e-petitions. To follow the standards of representativeness, the research covered the big, small, and medium-sized cities, regional cities, and regional centers. In the final stage of the action, Anya developed a list of recommendations and submitted them to the local authorities. To discuss the project deliverables with a broader audience, she presented the survey results at the Forum Practice of e-democracy, held in Kyiv on December 7, 2018.

The project produced bilingual national-wide research on e-petitions in Ukraine. First of all, the document explored the advantages and disadvantages of electronic governance and citizens’ engagement in local policy-making. Thus, the study improved public dialogue between the civil society and the government, as the local authorities agreed to cooperate and follow the shared recommendations. Also, the survey raised awareness of respective public institutions as the publication was shared with the Government of Ukraine, including the Ministry of Justice.

Research paper ‘e-Petitions in Ukraine: the National Study’:

Country Ukraine
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Energy efficiency for youth for sustainable future

The project Energy Efficiency Every Day aimed to raise awareness of young people in the middle schools on everyday energy-efficient behavior. To do so, Mykola organized three workshops within the pilot educational project “New Energy” for the different target audiences. The first workshop on Energy Efficiency, Practical Skills in Energy-Efficient Behavior in Everyday Life was delivered to elementary school students. It was followed by the second workshop for the secondary school student on the topic of Renewable Energy – the Main Measures of Energy Efficiency. Finally, the last two workshops on  How to Calculate the Quantity of Lighting Required in the House – Practical Tips were conducted at the gymnasiums/lyceumsAlong with educational activities, Mykola organized a round table to discuss the sustainability and significance of the New Energy pilot programs. Finally, he spent 3 weeks at the local non-profit organization Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR Kyiv) to acquire practical experience and improve skills in communication and advocacy.

The action raised awareness of more than 100 students in energy efficiency and sustainability. Given that, interactive workshops enhanced young people’s understanding of everyday energy-efficient behavior following best European practices. Therefore, the project facilitated collaboration among the school administration, teachers, and the local authorities for future collaboration, as the roundtable initiated professional discussions on the “New Energy” pilot program and scientific center. The internship at the RPR Kyiv built capacity for Mykola, as he improved project management skills and extended his networks with sectoral experts, policymakers, and government officials.

Country Ukraine
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Together we can More

The action “Together we can More” aimed to tackle the stereotypical perception of People with Disabilities (PwDs) and engaged different stakeholders to promote equality and accessibility for all. To achieve the above objectives, Tamila organized an inclusive cycling marathon ”I see! I can! I will” engaging cyclists with tandem bikes in Zhovkva, Lviv. The sports event involved overall 45 people from Lviv and neighboring cities. To demonstrate the importance of inclusive sports, two-day capacity-building seminars were held in Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Kherson. The training emerged discussions and joint activities between the visually impaired and sighted attendants. The project engaged up to 100 young people and disseminated in other Ukrainian cities shortly, as the participant organized an inclusive marathon on tandem bikes in Poltava, Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Kherson by communicating with municipalities, local volunteers, and media.

The action raised awareness about the challenges faced by PwDs in Ukraine and introduced an inclusive sports marathon as a creative solution. The capacity-building seminars and the cycling marathon “I see! I can! I will!” on tandem bikes established contact between visually impaired and sighted people. Also, the project built a sustainable network and cooperation among the initiative group leaders and non-governmental organizations from six different cities of Ukraine. During the events, participants discussed the importance of having equal rights for every member of society. All in all, the project engaged large audiences and promoted the inclusion of PwDs into society. Apart from running awareness-raising campaigns, the project assisted Tamila to enhance her skills in inclusive sport project management through a one-week internship in NGO “TarnovoRuns” in Bulgaria.

Country Ukraine
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Exhibition concept decided. “GAZE”

Direct from our Fellow:

Nadejda CERVINSCAIA: “In early May, after being consulted by Prof. Marcello Galbiati (Professor of Politecnico di Milano; Interior and Exhibition Design) I selected 36 photos. The exhibition is to have 1 main picture, which shows a sitting man, in the “Thinker Pose” and gazes at you. This is a powerful picture, which might embarrass the viewer, but this is exactly what I want to do. I want to cause emotions to people, to make them feel, since in today’s world of chaos, humanity got rusty. So, the selected pictures emphasise different life phases of a person, the visitor might have the feeling that the pictures mirror his emotions of the experienced event/thought/facial expression. The important thing is to feel the sensation directed personally to the viewer, but also to highlight the relationships of pictures in between. Re-creation of a small universe of people, is my goal. Moreover, I am doing my best to create an immersive environment, so we will project the movie filmed by the film director, who has found the archive, Victor Galusca. The projection will better acknowledge the public and will be a different experience, different engraved memory, which will hopefully stay after visiting the exhibition.”
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Introduction of the institute of beneficial ownership in Armenia

The project aimed to combat corruption in Armenia and foster free economic competition through research, constructive dialogue, and awareness-raising training. In the beginning, Mariam organized the workshops on Introduction of the Institute of Beneficial Ownership in the Republic of Armenia in the five Armenian cities of Yerevan, Vanadzor, Gyumri, Gavar, and Kapan. Then, Mariam held a roundtable discussion in a public-private dialogue format to discuss the possibility of the introduction of the concept in the RA anti-corruption strategy. Finally, based on the international best practices, Mariam developed policy recommendations. In addition, Mariam carried out social media campaigns in the frames of which she produced awareness-raising publications. To enhance her skills and exchange ideas on the anti-corruption lobby, she participated in the 5th Open Government Partnership Global Summit in Tbilisi and did a study tour at the various anti-corruption institutions in the United Kingdom, as well as at the Centre for Policies and Reforms of Moldova.

Through the interactive seminars, the action raised awareness on the concept of Beneficial Ownership and improved the knowledge and understanding of 80 young lawyers, civil society and business representatives throughout Armenia. The latter was followed by a roundtable discussion in the Public-Private Dialogue format, engaging more than 100 participants from governmental bodies, international organizations, business, civil society organizations, youth associations, and media outlets. Due to the advocacy efforts during the discussion and under the project, in general, the introduction of the beneficial ownership registry has been enshrined in the RA Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2019-2022.  The campaign and publications served as a tool to reach a wider audience and inform them about the anti-corruption measures. In addition, the social advertising video Together against Corruption prepared within the Action was selected among the best three works of the International Youth Competition organised among the 6 member states of the CIS. In this regard, Mariam was awarded a medal by the RA Prosecutor General for her endeavours and commitments towards fighting against corruption. Thus, the action built capacity for Mariam herself, as she was given the opportunity to advance her skills through the field visits in London, Chisinau, and Tbilisi.  

Project in media:

Ինչու՞ է անհրաժեշտ բացահայտել ընկերությունների իրական սեփականատերերին

Ովքե՞ր են ընկերությունների իրական սեփականատերերը

Իրավաբանների հայկական ասոցիացիայի անդամ Մարիամ Զադոյանը՝ մրցանակակիր

Country Armenia
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