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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Increasing the Digital Capacity of Civil Society

The action aimed to increase the digital capacity and work efficiency of CSO managers through online education, such as webinars and workshops. To achieve the above objective, Maksym engaged a professional mentor and designed a training module. Following this, he organized webinars covering the areas of Cybersecurity, Cloud services, Office 365, Data Visualization and IT tools, Social Media Management, etc. Apart from online interactive training, the professional speakers suggested a list of recommendations for the CSO managers on digital literacy. At the final stage, Maksym organized two workshops on the topic of Digital Transformation. To increase the project visibility and awareness of the ICT solutions for the CSO managers, the project disseminated information through the different channels of the GURT Resource Center (web-portal, Facebook and YouTube)

The project engaged more than 1,800 CSO managers and delivered 8 interactive webinars offering innovative approaches to increase their work efficiency and service quality. Also, the CSO managers built their competencies in cybersecurity, team collaboration, and project management tools, data visualization, cloud services, etc. To showcase the project impact, 88% of the attendees confirmed that they actively apply the acquired knowledge to their everyday life. Besides, the offline workshops on Digital Transformation raised the awareness of 20 CSO managers and taught them how to identify organizations’ ICT needs and software solutions. As a part of the media outreach, Maksym published 8 announcements and 9 publications about the webinars and workshop deliverables. The project materials disseminated via different communication channels saw a huge interest from the target audience; more precisely, 6 318 unique views on the GURT Web-portal, almost 2 000 on YouTube (disseminated via six newsletters on digital transformation reaching up to 60 000 subscribers) and 164, 909 on Facebook.

A series of webinars developed and delivered within the action (in Ukrainian):

Webinar «How CSOs can mitigate the cyber-security risks»
During the webinar, participants learned how to create reliable passwords; how to reduce cyber-security risks, how to install basic settings for computer and smartphone accounts.

Webinar  «How not to lose important data. Do back ups properly»
Do you not know how to do a backup? Watch and learn why and how to do backups

Webinar  «Office 365 for NGOs: Who needs it and which problems it solves»
Watch and learn how NGOs can use Office 365 for project management needs.

Webinar  «Working together in Office 365: how to collaborate effectively»
Watch a webinar session that covers Office 365 collaboration tools. Learn how to work effectively in a team.

Webinar «Tools for data visualization: how NGOs can present project results qualitatively»
The webinar covered the following issues: what software is used to create infographics, the most common mistakes, and tricks for avoiding them.

Webinar «IT tools for project management»
The webinar covers using a variety of IT-tools for successful project management

Webinar «Facebook as a tool for effective communication for CSOs»
Learn how CSOs can use Facebook for promoting their activity and engaging more supporters.

Country Ukraine
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Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses

The action aimed to deliver recommendations for policy-makers on social entrepreneurship in Ukraine taking into account challenges accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis and assess the process from the gender perspective. To achieve the above objective, Liliia conducted research, awareness-raising and community outreach activities. 

First and foremost, she researched the factors hindering the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine in general, analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on the industry, and  applied a gender perspective on the results achieved. Then, Liliia conducted online awareness-raising and information campaigns on social entrepreneurship covering large audiences throughout Ukraine. Following this, she organized an online public discussion on social entrepreneurship engaging the activists and the stakeholders from the governmental and non-governmental sectors. As a result of the research and interactive discussions, the fellow developed a list of recommendations for the policy-makers and presented the policy paper to the public officials and the Members of the Parliament of Ukraine. 

The project delivered the bilingual research paper ‘Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses’ presenting the most up-to-date information regarding the challenges of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine; the document was published on the official website of the NGO ‘Women’s League’ and reached more than 10,000 readers online. The online discussion carried out as a part of the project brought experts in social entrepreneurship and gender studies, including the social entrepreneurs themselves, to analyze the issue in-depth; the event involved more than 100 stakeholders. The recommendations based on the research and the online discussion raised the visibility and sensitivity of the social entrepreneurship and its gender specifics. 

The policy document has been presented to the high-profile MPs and decision-makers of Ukraine; the research document, recommendations and infographics were sent to all 422 members of the Parliament and the Advisor of the Mayor of Kyiv City Hall in Gender Policy Development. On top of that, the national information campaigns reached 327,553 people and raised awareness about the challenges that social entrepreneurs face in Ukraine of the larger audience.

Online discussion ‘Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses’ (in Ukrainian):

Research paper ‘Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses’ (in Ukrainian):

Research paper ‘Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses’ (in English):

Infographics ‘Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in Times of COVID-19 Crisis through Gender Lenses’ (in Ukrainian):

Country Ukraine
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Strengthening Position of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics Specialties (UAPS) in Overcoming Vaccination Crisis

The action: Strengthening Position of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics Specialties (UAPS) in Overcoming Vaccination Crisis aimed to research the current status of the public immunization control and raise awareness of healthcare workers/general public about the vaccination. To achieve the above objectives, Yevgenii assessed the country’s strategy and action plan on the national (Involving 10 state institutions, including the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Public Health Center of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affair, National Health Service, State Expert Center, etc.) and regional (researching 25 Regional Departments of Healthcare and Public Health Centers of Ukraine) levels; the study also included the survey of  1,000 healthcare professionals who delivers immunization services in Ukraine. The research findings were presented at the National Roundtable: Results of the First Year of Implementation of the Immunoprophylaxis Strategy. The event engaged the leading governmental and health authorities, including Dr. Victor Lyashko – Chief Sanitary Doctor and the Deputy Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine, Mr. Mykhailo Radutsky –  Chairman of the Committee of Healthcare in Ukraine, Dr. Fedir Lapii – Chairman of NITAG, Dr. Yevgenii Grechukha – EaP Fellow and the representative of UAPS. In addition, the project team designed the online course (9 lectures), practical recommendations and distributed textbooks for the pediatricians and general practitioners to enhance their professional qualifications.  

The project delivered a research document on the national Immunoprophylaxis strategy studied from the local, regional and national levels. Accordingly, the roundtable served as a platform for the local medical and state authorities to discuss the study results and assess the annual activities of the strategy. Therefore, the online course raised awareness of the professional community on various topics, such as Vaccination during COVID-19 Outbreak, Vaccine Hesitation: General and Critical Aspects, Successful Interventions of Civil Society in Ukraine: How to Look for Reliable Information about Vaccines, etc. The course is available on the YouTube and platforms. As of today, approximately 2,000 healthcare workers successfully passed the final test and received certificates. Finally, as a part of the project, nearly 25,000 brochures were prepared for printing and will be distributed to the medical servants for free. 

Country Ukraine
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Transparent Budget Is Not A Lux

The action: Transparent Budget is not a Lux aimed to engage the citizens of Nikopol (a city in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of Ukraine) in monitoring the municipal budget and increase their participation on the local level. The action was implemented in three phases. First, Maria researched the municipal budget from the perspectives of education, healthcare, public expenditures and infrastructure (construction of roads and bridges). Following this, the project team organized awareness-raising campaigns and discussions; through the social media posts, publications and creative infographics, young people actively engaged in the discourse. At the last stage of the project, Maria organized awareness-raising training for the young leaders to advocate transparent budgeting tools and held a roundtable discussion engaging the project participants, local authorities, and representatives from the business & non-governmental sectors. The latter event served as a platform to collaborate with the decision-makers and share recommendations.

The project delivered the budget monitoring research document with a creative infographic on the municipal budget priorities of Nikopol City. Also, the action engaged 40 active young leaders and raised their awareness in participatory budgeting. As an outcome of the training, the participants developed 7 seed project initiatives on the topics of sports and rehabilitation centers, shelter for victims of domestic violence, workshops and education, etc. Also, through the visibility campaign, action reached nearly 161,452 people via social media channels; 60,000 local citizens via the outdoor advertisements, and 8,020 readers via the newspaper publications and informed them about the Nikopol budget expenditures. On top of that, the roundtable meeting facilitated dialogue among the stakeholders from the public, private and non-governmental sectors.  All in all, the action contributed to increasing the transparency of the local government and the budget of Nikopol City due to the high public control.

Project leaflet:

Project infographics:


Country Ukraine
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Semi-automated System for Gathering Deficiencies in Police Investigations of Attacks on Civil Society

Maksym’s action aimed at defining the most problematic stages of police actions during the investigation of crimes against civil society in Ukraine, creating a tool gathering deficiencies in police investigations, and teaching activists how to deal with/respond to police inaction. To achieve the above objectives, Maksym established cooperation with the leading national human rights organization – Center for Civil Liberties and started data collection from the Ukrainian civil society activists, human rights defenders, and journalist persecuted for their professional activities between 2017-2019 and whose cases were either not investigated or not adequately investigated by the police. In the second stage of the project, Maksym engaged the legal experts and IT engineers to create a Telegram chatbot FightBack combining the function of a legal self-help instrument and a practical guide for those who face an attack or police inaction. Finally, the project team organized the online presentation of the bot at the premises of the Ukraine Crisis Media Center attended by the civil society representatives, lawyers, journalists, and other stakeholders.

The project raised the issue of police inaction and the necessity of reforming the law enforcement system in Ukraine. Applying the data from the first-hand sources, it delivered a bilingual publication on the deficiencies and malpractices of police investigations; the research document has been distributed among the authorities and will be used for future advocacy campaigns in Ukraine. Most importantly, the project team created a FightBack chatbot to raise awareness of the potential victims, i.e teaching them how to preserve evidence, or fill the complaints. Last but not least, the action has facilitated contacts between activists, lawyers, human rights defenders, and journalists from different regions of Ukraine that will accelerate the implementation of future nationwide human rights projects.

Telegram chatbot FightBack is accessible here.

Report “Shortcomings in the law enforcement system of Ukraine exemplified by the investigation of attacks on civil activists”

Report in Ukrainian: “Недоліки правоохоронної системи України на прикладі розслідування нападів на громадських активістів”

Project in media:

Presentation of the Chatbot in English 

Presentation of the Chatbot in Ukrainian

Country Ukraine
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Enhanced Engagement of Civil Society in Monitoring of Implementation of the UN CEDAW in Ukraine

Leila’s action aimed to enhance the engagement of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the United Nations Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (UN CEDAW) and recommendations of the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). To ensure the holistic approach to the CSO involvement in CEDAW implementation, the project covered the following aspects: Alternative reporting and individual complaints procedures (elaboration on the joint alternative report to CEDAW in collaboration with the UN Women and the NGO Monitoring Group) & educational and community outreach activities. To deliver high-quality online training on gender and human rights, Leila engaged international experts and field-professionals. Also, to inform the larger audience about the application procedure and criteria of the individual complaints to the UN Women’s Rights Committee, she developed a short educational video in Ukrainian and disseminated it throughout the country. 

The project delivered 6 webinars and raised awareness and advocacy capacity of more than 130 non-governmental representatives from Ukraine, Eastern Partnership and other Eastern European and Central Asian Countries on Women’s Rights and UN CEDAW. Also, the action engaged civil society activists and international experts from Denmark, Romania, Moldova, Russia and Kyrgyzstan contributing to the development of the recommendations. In the long term, the project beneficiaries are equipped with the necessary skills to strengthen their advocacy for women’s rights by applying the UN human rights instruments, more precisely the UN CEDAW Optional Protocol. The project delivered the Joint Alternative Report to CEDAW, educational video and informational package that serves as the instrument and direction for better protection of women who are victims of gender-based discrimination.

Video on how to apply with individual complaints to UN CEDAW  (in Ukrainian – “Як звернутися в Комітет CEDAW”):

Country Ukraine
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Gender Mainstreaming in Public Security Service in Ivano-Frankivsk

Uliana’s action aimed to encourage gender mainstreaming in public security services in Ivano-Frankivsk city through monitoring and evaluation of public spaces in the city. To achieve the above objective, Uliana conducted a wide range of activities, including research, awareness-raising training, development of the online platform and community outreach. First, she developed the monitoring methodology to evaluate the safety of the public spaces. Then, Uliana researched the public places of Ivano-Frankivsk and prepared recommendations for the local authorities. Following this, she launched the development of a new web-section for the online map – Safe City to detect dangerous spaces/zones in Ivano-Frankivsk. To reach a larger audience of the city and educate them, the project team organized two online trainings on public safety. Finally, to disseminate the research findings broadly and creatively, they created a short animated video attracting the attention of hundreds of viewers on social media. 

The project delivered the monitoring methodology and evaluation report on safety of Ivano-Frankivsk public spaces from a gender perspective; the research applied a participatory approach and informed the decision-makers about the issue through the list of recommendations. Also, the online map – Safe City developed within the action increased visibility of dangerous/safe public places, since any visitor is able to mark any place of the city. Therefore, two training reached 102 applicants and engaged 39 participants; the trainers – Natalia Tarasenko and Olena Ostapchuk discussed gender-sensitive urban planning and shared the case studies of the successful and unsuccessful solutions for public spaces, schools, kindergartens, youth clubs, parking lots, etc; they also covered the topic of safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. On top of that, the public presentation and animated video summarizing the research deliverables raised awareness of the 8k stakeholders through Facebook, YouTube and other social media channels. 

Monitoring Methodology to Evaluate the Safety of the Public Spaces (in Ukrainian):

Report of the Evaluation Results (in Ukrainian):

Project in media:

Як і навіщо робити громадські простори ґендерно безпечними?, Interview with Uliana Sydor in Hmarochos Media.

Country Ukraine
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Іnvolving Young People to Physical Culture and Sports in Small Cities of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian project: Involvement of Youth in Physical Culture and Sports in Small Cities of Ukraine aimed to analyze the general conditions in Sports in different cities, conduct collaborative roundtable/training among Physical Culture and Sport functionaries and engage the central authority – Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Ukraine in discourse. The project was implemented in three phases. First, Vladislav selected 5 Ukrainian cities of Vatutine, Korsun-Shevchenkivsky, Bakhmach, Slavutich, Kozyatyn and interviewed the relevant stakeholders, including the coaches, heads of sports organizations, local deputies, etc. Following this, Vladislav organized roundtables and training for the local youth, authorities and sports organizations to exchange ideas and analyze the conflicting issues; the discussions resulted in constructive proposals for industry reforms. Finally, the action disseminated the acquired information and project deliverables to the larger audiences through the social media page, comprising diverse photo/video materials and publications.  

The action delivered a comprehensive analysis on the status of the Physical Culture and Sport sphere in 5 Ukrainian cities and facilitated collaboration between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and active functionaries from the target municipalities. Also, the project created a communication platform for Sports and Physical Education Professionals and fostered a constructive dialogue between the Sports teachers, local authorities and private sports organizations To showcase the results in numbers, Vladislav conducted 20 individual interviews, organized 5 roundtables in each city, attended by more than 100 stakeholders; the proposals developed at those meetings were sent to the relevant official bodies and added to the Sports Reform Concept by 2020-2028.  On top of that, the Facebook page @sportinsmallcities raised awareness of the large audience through the final video and more than 50 photo/video publications. 

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Citizen Engagement for Transparent Land Management in Rural United Territorial Communities of Ukraine

The project aimed to foster citizens’ engagement in the rural United Territorial Communities (Hromadas) and promote transparent land management in Ukraine. To achieve the above objectives, Oleksandra applied high-quality and user-center IT solutions & GIS technologies to the research and visibility campaigns. First and foremost, she created the opinion polls for Hromadas and researched the problems of AHs, data mining to explore the land management practices on the local level. Then, she mobilized the field experts and organized the online ideation to exchange expertise with the rural community. Finally, to increase the land management transparency, Olaksanda disseminated the results of the research and online webinars/ideathon with the local people and the decision-makers. 

The action raised awareness of the local authorities and civil activists from more than 150 rural areas of Ukraine. Also, the project delivered a research document and opinion poll summary to enhance citizens’ access to information about the effective management of land resources. Within the frame of the fellowship, Oleksandra created a Facebook network of the Project Ambassadors unifying the community representatives and experts in one group. To disseminate the project deliverables and reach  a larger audience, she developed an online course comprising 8 educational webinars and engaging more than 900 participants. On top of that, the project created a map of good practices for better engagement and facilitated the dialogue between the local community and the authorities via sharing the recommendations based on the results of the online ideathon, research & opinion poll summary, webinars and joint action plan.

Project website: Transparent Lands with the Map of good practices for the better engagement and educational video lectures. 

Research Paper (in Ukrainian):

Project in media:

Залучення громадян для управління земельними ресурсами у громадах – результати дослідження


Country Ukraine
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Young Guardians of Digital Rights

The action: Young Guardians of Digital Rights aimed to enhance the digital literacy of teenagers all over Ukraine and engage youth in the discourse of cybersecurity. To achieve the above objectives, Viktoria created a concept for the target-specific course and delivered the training through the Mizmin online platform. In the first stage, the team developed 9 short educational videos explaining the fundamental digital rights (privacy, access to information, freedom of expression), and safe navigation on social networks, such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc. Every thematic course comprised interactive tests, practical exercises and suggestions on the educational online games/books. Also, the action produced Chatbot Digital Foot of Support in Telegram (@DigitalChat_bot) stimulating discussions among the stakeholders. To raise the project visibility, Viktoria and her team conducted social media communication campaign through the Facebook, Tik-Tok and YouTube Channels of the Minzmin platform and produced two articles (Internet as Opportunity and Treat; Digital Security of Children: How to Protect them on the Internet) on the Ukrainian media platform Ukrainska Pravda and two videos on the min.zmin Tik-Tok channel. 

The action created the first Ukrainian Online Course: Digital Rights and Safety for Children targeted at teenage groups, teachers and parents; the materials are public and can be accessed by any interested party on the Mizmin platform. Through the various media outreach instruments, including Mizmin website (1,159 involved participants), YouTube (10,430 views), Facebook (118,000 views) the project reached larger audiences and raised the digital competence of children and their teachers/parents. Also, Viktoria engaged the local authorities, including the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Digital Transformation, and 24 Regional Departments of Education of Ukraine and facilitated collaboration among educational professionals, teachers, students and their parents.


Project in media:

Інтернет як можливість і загроза для дітей: як знайти баланс

Цифрові права та онлайн безпека: як захистити дітей в інтернеті

Country Ukraine
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