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Fellowship Programme


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Women Bike Camp in Vanadzor

Fellowship Summary: Design and deliver a campaign and a ‘bike camp’ which uses the promotion of healthy lifestyles as a tool for the empowerment of women.

Implemented by Emma Petrosyan, the Women Bike Camp in Vanadzor was an initiative aimed at empowering women and girls through cycling and fostering confidence in sports participation. This unique project marked the first event of its kind in the region, combining practical cycling lessons with skill-building workshops, all while providing participants with the opportunity to connect with nature and embrace a healthy lifestyle.

The bike camp welcomed 1o women from three different cities in Armenia, who participated in three cycling classes. These sessions not only helped participants learn to ride bicycles but also offered a hands-on workshop about bike mechanics, covering basic repairs and maintenance skills. For many participants, this was a first-time experience, boosting their self-confidence and expanding their perspectives on outdoor sports and recreational activities.

The impact of the bike camp extended far beyond the immediate participants. A significant partnership was established with Women Fund Armenia, which expressed strong interest in supporting the camp as an annual event. Additionally, the Municipality of Vanadzor recognized the potential of cycling as a recreational and transport activity.

With continued support from Women Fund Armenia and other donors, the bike camp plans to host future cycling classes for women and youth in Vanadzor, fostering inclusivity and empowerment through sports.

Country Armenia
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Strengthening Position of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics Specialties (UAPS) in Overcoming Vaccination Crisis

The action: Strengthening Position of the Ukrainian Academy of Pediatrics Specialties (UAPS) in Overcoming Vaccination Crisis aimed to research the current status of the public immunization control and raise awareness of healthcare workers/general public about the vaccination. To achieve the above objectives, Yevgenii assessed the country’s strategy and action plan on the national (Involving 10 state institutions, including the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Public Health Center of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affair, National Health Service, State Expert Center, etc.) and regional (researching 25 Regional Departments of Healthcare and Public Health Centers of Ukraine) levels; the study also included the survey of  1,000 healthcare professionals who delivers immunization services in Ukraine. The research findings were presented at the National Roundtable: Results of the First Year of Implementation of the Immunoprophylaxis Strategy. The event engaged the leading governmental and health authorities, including Dr. Victor Lyashko – Chief Sanitary Doctor and the Deputy Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine, Mr. Mykhailo Radutsky –  Chairman of the Committee of Healthcare in Ukraine, Dr. Fedir Lapii – Chairman of NITAG, Dr. Yevgenii Grechukha – EaP Fellow and the representative of UAPS. In addition, the project team designed the online course (9 lectures), practical recommendations and distributed textbooks for the pediatricians and general practitioners to enhance their professional qualifications.  

The project delivered a research document on the national Immunoprophylaxis strategy studied from the local, regional and national levels. Accordingly, the roundtable served as a platform for the local medical and state authorities to discuss the study results and assess the annual activities of the strategy. Therefore, the online course raised awareness of the professional community on various topics, such as Vaccination during COVID-19 Outbreak, Vaccine Hesitation: General and Critical Aspects, Successful Interventions of Civil Society in Ukraine: How to Look for Reliable Information about Vaccines, etc. The course is available on the YouTube and platforms. As of today, approximately 2,000 healthcare workers successfully passed the final test and received certificates. Finally, as a part of the project, nearly 25,000 brochures were prepared for printing and will be distributed to the medical servants for free. 

Country Ukraine
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Promoting Civic Capacity for Democratic Oversight

The action was a communication campaign aimed at disseminating COVID-19 related information to the ethnic Azeri and Armenian communities of Georgia. To achieve the above objective, Tamar targeted two specific regions – Samtskhe-Javakheti (Armenian minority settlements) and Kvemo Kartli (Azeri minority settlements) and contracted two local media outlets – TV9 to reach the Armenian-speaking audience and Kvemo Kartli TV to reach the Azerbaijani speaking communities. For the duration of June-October 2020, both media outlets disseminated the fact-checked information (creative posters, Q&A section, quiz, short educational video) about COVID-19; and worked to increase awareness about then upcoming Parliamentary Election of Georgia in October 2020 and increase skills in curbing the political misinformation and propaganda related to the elections. 

The project raised awareness of the local Azerbaijani and Armenian-speaking communities of Georgia and reached hundreds of local people through online portals. Also, the action delivered 6 creative infographics about the COVID-19, disinformation in media and the Parliamentary elections in the Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani languages. Through a wide range of informative materials, including the articles, Q&A sections, quiz and educational videos on the TV9 and Kvemo Kartli TV platforms, the project raised the epidemic and political awareness of the local communities. On top of that, the local organizations built capacity in establishing a direct and engaging conversation with their audiences, since they reached hundreds of unique visitors. Also, the training held for the TV9 journalists increased the knowledge of the 12 local media representatives in the Parliamentary Governmental System and the related implications.

Educational Video with the Armenian subtitles:

Educational Video with the Azerbaijani subtitles:



Quiz about COVID-19 (in Georgian)

Project in media:

COVID-19-თან დაკავშირებული რეკომენდაციები

Հաճախ տրվող հարցեր Covid-19-ի վերաբերյալ

COVID-19 და დეზინფორმაცია/COVID-19 və yanlış məlumat

ხშირად დასმული კითხვები კორონავირუსის შესახებ

Country Georgia
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Research for Advocacy for Higher Quality of Care in Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Armenia

This Fellowship research project aimed to study the experience of pregnant women in maternal health care centers of Armenia and advance the implementation of an integrated person-centered model of obstetric care in the country. As a component of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this initiative can be exemplified by the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health 2016–2030 which has expanded the focus of its objectives to cover not merely the survival but also thriving of women and children so that they can achieve their full potential for health and well-being, and contribute to the transformative change envisioned in the SDGs. To promote higher quality obstetric services, Suren conducted research and pursued advocacy campaigns with his team. First, the gaps, inconsistencies, and violation of patients’ rights in the local hospitals were examined and the extent of person-centered maternity care during facility-based childbirth was assessed; then he prepared the summary of specific recommendations for the Ministry of Health and relevant organizations in the sector. Following this, Suren launched an advocacy campaign, trained the administration and staff members in all 12 maternity hospitals along with the validation of suggested recommendations, and disseminated research findings to the wider audience.  

The project produced a research paper analyzing the data collected from 729 patients of all 12 health facilities of Yerevan delivering maternal care services. The project also facilitated high-level discussions on the challenges and solutions of advancing the integrated person-centered model of obstetric care in Armenia. As an advocacy campaign, Suren conducted 14 workshops in the sector organizations and the Ministry of Health, allowing him to raise the awareness of over 150 obstetric care providers, policy-makers, and health care planners in the field. The action overall promoted person-centered maternity care as a quality attribute of obstetric care delivery and suggested expertise-based recommendations to the relevant entities to advance the health, wellbeing, and human rights of women and children in the country.

Country Armenia
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Іnvolving Young People to Physical Culture and Sports in Small Cities of Ukraine

All-Ukrainian project: Involvement of Youth in Physical Culture and Sports in Small Cities of Ukraine aimed to analyze the general conditions in Sports in different cities, conduct collaborative roundtable/training among Physical Culture and Sport functionaries and engage the central authority – Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of Ukraine in discourse. The project was implemented in three phases. First, Vladislav selected 5 Ukrainian cities of Vatutine, Korsun-Shevchenkivsky, Bakhmach, Slavutich, Kozyatyn and interviewed the relevant stakeholders, including the coaches, heads of sports organizations, local deputies, etc. Following this, Vladislav organized roundtables and training for the local youth, authorities and sports organizations to exchange ideas and analyze the conflicting issues; the discussions resulted in constructive proposals for industry reforms. Finally, the action disseminated the acquired information and project deliverables to the larger audiences through the social media page, comprising diverse photo/video materials and publications.  

The action delivered a comprehensive analysis on the status of the Physical Culture and Sport sphere in 5 Ukrainian cities and facilitated collaboration between the Ministry of Youth and Sports and active functionaries from the target municipalities. Also, the project created a communication platform for Sports and Physical Education Professionals and fostered a constructive dialogue between the Sports teachers, local authorities and private sports organizations To showcase the results in numbers, Vladislav conducted 20 individual interviews, organized 5 roundtables in each city, attended by more than 100 stakeholders; the proposals developed at those meetings were sent to the relevant official bodies and added to the Sports Reform Concept by 2020-2028.  On top of that, the Facebook page @sportinsmallcities raised awareness of the large audience through the final video and more than 50 photo/video publications. 

Country Ukraine
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Lusashogh With Medical Clinic and Public Transport

The action is aimed to resolve two issues faced by the Lusashogh rural community: A lack of public transportation and poor medical services. To address the above challenges, Narine conducted public surveys among the locals and organized meetings with the authorities of the Ararat Regional Municipality and the Vedi BUAT road serving company. Following this, she held additional two meetings at the Ministry of Territorial Administration of Armenia and engaged relevant high-level officials, including the Prime Minister of Armenia, the Minister of Territorial Administration, the Head of Ararat Regional Municipality, the Head of Lusashogh Municipality. Then, Narine renovated the old medical clinic and recruited specialists to deliver training on positive parenting, first medical assistance and teeth cleaning for the local people; the training raised the interest among young parents, their children and even the grandparents who actively attended the workshops.

The action facilitated dialogue among the Ararat municipality authorities, the private company and the local residents resulting in the extension of the bus line from the city to the Lusashogh village. The latter eased communication and mobility of the people from 3 local villages to the regional city. Thus, the project delivered the renovated local medical center providing access to the emergency and other medical services for the Lusashogh and other neighboring settlements. On top of that, the courses on positive parenting, emergency assistance and teeth cleaning enhanced awareness of the young parents and saw a high participation from the local community.

Country Armenia
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Ability Beyond Disability

The action was an awareness-raising project involving various Ukrainian non-governmental organizations. Through two-days long seminars and several short sessions, Viktoria shared her knowledge and experience in strategic development with the young people at Lviv Educational Foundation. Therefore, she organized an inclusive space within the frame of the Lviv Urban Workshop, where the hosts presented different activities on the topics of disability, inclusion, and accessibility. The event lasted for 4 days and included the exhibition of interactive materials, such as writing in Braille, playing inclusive chess, cycling on tandem bikes with eyes closed, etc. The highlight of the latter event was an Inclusive excursion around Lviv City. Besides, Viktoria initiated a Cycling Marathon with the participation of blind people that required fundraising and planning for three months. Apart from helping other people, the fellowship gave Viktoriya the opportunity to build-capacity for herself; the award enabled her to participate in the international three-day workshops on Art of Participatory Leadership in Denmark and The Art of Hosting Societal Innovation in the Netherlands.

The project reached more than 100+ young beneficiaries of the Lviv Educational Foundation and trained them in strategic development. Hence, the action raised public awareness of the major challenges faced by people with disabilities (PwDs) through discussions, interactive sessions, and exhibitions. Victoria’s 3-month long wholehearted attempt to organize the Tandem Cycling Marathon with the participation of blind people has paid off, as she managed to receive additional financial support from the US Embassy in Ukraine and made this idea possible. Thus, Victoria herself enhanced her personal and professional skills through learning facilitation tools about the Art of Hosting from the professionals in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Country Ukraine
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Bicycle-Friendly Business Certification Programme

The project aimed to design and launch a Bike-Friendly Certification Programme in Kyiv, Ukraine. Also, Marianna intended to check whether tourist services such as gastronomy, accommodation, campsites, tourist attractions, or shops in Kyiv had stores, basic repair tools, or information about cycling in the region. To achieve the latter objective, she implemented the action through 3 stages. First, Marianna collected and analyzed information from Germany (ADFC German Bicycle Club) and France (FUB – French Federation of Bicycle Users). Then, she created a website with promo video, and exclusive Bike-Friendly Certificates. The program was designed with two-level certificates – Green (basic) and Gold (advanced).  At the final stage of the project, Marianna held a final conference engaging business companies and local authorities, including the Tourism Department of the Kyiv City Administration, media representatives, cyclists, and other interested parties.  As a result, first bicycle-friendly companies (cafés, restaurants, business centers, and even a law firm) were awarded the programme certificates at the press-briefing. Afterwards, the Program developed an exclusive Orange Certificate for non-profit organizations, such as theatres, libraries etc.

The action launched the first bicycle-friendly business certification system in Ukraine. Through the program website and other visibility materials, the program promoted the most socially responsible partner companies. The Program sustainability tool is a website, where users can access all relevant information such as conditions of the Program, rules for participation, types of certificates, map with company location etc. Also, the action produced 2 videos about the program. The Project developed three certificates: Green award was given to the companies with the basic parking services and stores for the bicycles when the Gold certificate was granted to the enterprises with advanced facilities, such as toolkit box for repair work, maps with bicycle infrastructure, etc.; the Orange was designed for the non-profit organizations. The final conference served as a platform to facilitate collaboration among governmental agencies, businesses, and other NGOs. The action improved Marianna’s professional skills; during her internship at the ADFC German Bicycle Club Berlin, she learned how to design and launch the certification program while the traineeship at the French Federation of Bicycle Users (Strasbourg) was an opportunity to extend her international contacts.  Thus, having launched the final press-conference, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine – Lev Partschladze actively supported the Project.

Country Ukraine
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Improvement of the Ukrainian Academy of Paediatrics accountability and link to its target groups by supporting care givers of the children with chronic diseases via Parent’s Initiative Social Accelerator

The project aimed to create and launch a Parents’ Initiatives Social Accelerator (PISA) – a training model to trigger and facilitate collaborative involvement of families with their professional counterparts (pediatricians and family doctors). To achieve the latter objective, Antin created a communication/collaborative platform for the parents of children with chronic diseases and their doctors. The interactive training and meetings were tailored to build mutual understanding among mothers and fathers with different initiatives selected for the project.

The action equipped target groups with relevant information and tools to build organizational and communication strategies; Also, the project raised public awareness about the medical and rehabilitation methods. Overall, the engaged adults advanced their access to medical services provided by health care professionals. Thus, the parents became more aware of the behavioral change specifics and learned how to adhere to therapies and modify behavioral risk factors of their children.

Country Ukraine
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Together we can More

The action “Together we can More” aimed to tackle the stereotypical perception of People with Disabilities (PwDs) and engaged different stakeholders to promote equality and accessibility for all. To achieve the above objectives, Tamila organized an inclusive cycling marathon ”I see! I can! I will” engaging cyclists with tandem bikes in Zhovkva, Lviv. The sports event involved overall 45 people from Lviv and neighboring cities. To demonstrate the importance of inclusive sports, two-day capacity-building seminars were held in Kharkiv, Dnipro, and Kherson. The training emerged discussions and joint activities between the visually impaired and sighted attendants. The project engaged up to 100 young people and disseminated in other Ukrainian cities shortly, as the participant organized an inclusive marathon on tandem bikes in Poltava, Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Kherson by communicating with municipalities, local volunteers, and media.

The action raised awareness about the challenges faced by PwDs in Ukraine and introduced an inclusive sports marathon as a creative solution. The capacity-building seminars and the cycling marathon “I see! I can! I will!” on tandem bikes established contact between visually impaired and sighted people. Also, the project built a sustainable network and cooperation among the initiative group leaders and non-governmental organizations from six different cities of Ukraine. During the events, participants discussed the importance of having equal rights for every member of society. All in all, the project engaged large audiences and promoted the inclusion of PwDs into society. Apart from running awareness-raising campaigns, the project assisted Tamila to enhance her skills in inclusive sport project management through a one-week internship in NGO “TarnovoRuns” in Bulgaria.

Country Ukraine
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