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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


Vartovy (CityGuard) SaaS platform

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to create “CityGuard”, a digital platform in partnership with Ostroh territorial community. It enhances emergency preparedness, communication, and safety in Ostroh by offering digital evacuation plans for population points, training, and real-time communication during emergencies.

Updates coming soon!

Country Ukraine
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The budget development decisions 0


CSOs4ECC: CSOs for Effective Cross Sectoral Cooperation

Fellowship Summary: The objective of the ‘CSOs4ECC’ Fellowship is to enhance cross-sectoral cooperation among CSOs and other local stakeholders(LSG, Private sector) in Tavush and Lori regions for more effective and impactful collaboration promoting locally-led/need-based operations, local ownership and sustainability.

Updates coming soon!

Country Armenia
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The budget development decisions 0


Volunteer4Ukraine: Engaging Worldwide Support for Local Impact

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to support civil society in Ukraine by assisting civil society organisations (CSOs) to access voluntary international expertise. This will be achieved online through facilitated digital matchmaking of Ukrainian CSOs and international volunteers.

Updates coming soon!

Country Ukraine
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The budget development decisions 0


YouthVoices for Democracy

Fellowship Summary: The aim of the Fellowship is to make communication campaigns from social media influencers data-driven and tailored to the political needs, values and interests of Gen Z in Georgia. The Fellow will implement activities to build a community around this objective.

Updates coming soon!

Country Georgia
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The budget development decisions 0


Synergizing Voices: Empowering Municipalities through Innovative Communication Strategies

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to promote well-informed decision-making processes in Armenia by developing a pilot comprehensive communication strategy methodology for the Ijevan community, which thereafter can be replicated.

Updates coming soon!

Country Armenia
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The budget development decisions 0


FANDY. New Fundraising Instruments for Local Charities and CSOs

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims at providing charities with a new digital instrument for fundraising and donation analytics, including website/fundraising pages launch tool, and check-out charity extension for woo-commerce powered websites.

FANDY platform is a digital tool designed to help charities raise funds through donations and subscriptions, manage donors, and provide donation analytics. The platform includes a web builder for donation forms and fundraising pages, an admin dashboard, and management tools for donors (users donating money).

The platform’s user-friendly interface and range of features, such as the web builder and analytics dashboard, have contributed to its success. As more charities begin to use FANDY, its impact is set to grow, making it an essential tool for the fundraising community.  Overall, FANDY has the potential to revolutionize the way charities raise funds and manage donations.

As a result of the Fellowship, charities in EaP countries got access to a modern-day fundraising service, which can help them raise more funds and make a greater impact in their respective fields. Additionally, this can help introduce new technologies and practices to the charity sector, which can help CSOs become more effective and efficient in their operations.

Country Belarus
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The budget development decisions 0


Strengthening Oversight Role of Municipal Councils

Municipal councils that better serve interests of our communities are those that better fight ineffective governance and corruption locally.  Therefore, the Fellowship project promotes stronger oversight role of municipal councils over the work of Mayors and their offices.  The project will create incentive for local political parties to initiate oversight by supporting quality media coverage of identified local problems.

Country Georgia
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The budget development decisions 0


Active Citizen – The Key Pillar of Local Democracy

Fellowship Summary: Research on citizens’ participation mechanisms in Shida Kartli region, and their promotion among the local residents, with the focus on active young leaders.

Updates coming soon!

Country Georgia
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The budget development decisions 0


Development of Chatbots Construction Platform for Local Communities

Fellowship Summary: Create and launch a digital solution that facilitates citizens in Ukraine to report and/or complain to local authorities in a formally documented manner.

Updates coming soon!

Country Ukraine
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The budget development decisions 0
