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Fellowship Programme


Area of Interest


IT Quality Assurance for Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia

Fellowship Summary: Research and develop a set of guidelines on latest EU policies on public data and e-services and promote and debate these with key CSO and government stakeholders in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine.

Updates coming soon!

Country Ukraine
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Stronger Network of CSOs Responding to Needs of IDPs in Western Regions of Ukraine

Fellowship Summary: Establish a pool of activists in the Lviv region, through a ToT (Training-of-Trainers) and coaching, who will support local campaigns and advocacy of grassroots CSOs to address local level corruption.


Country Ukraine
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Mentoring for Teachers in Rural Communities

Fellowship Summary: Develop and pilot a methodology and mechanism for mentoring school teachers in Boratyn (Volyn region of Ukraine) and then support association to adopt and promote, with adaptations for the war context.
Country Ukraine
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Open Dialogues: How to Build Peace during Wartime

Fellowship Summary: Identifying good practices in open dialogue for peace-building and social cohesion, piloting a training, then scaling up with good practices from Finland/Sweden and youth in Ukraine.

Yuliya’s Fellowship project was aimed at peacebuilding and integration, both in Ukraine and EU countries. The project encompassed field research, the development of youth-friendly methods for involving young IDPs (internally displaced persons) and refugees, and the creation of a Facilitation kit for conducting dialogue in peaceful communities.

The Fellowship project allowed Yulia to study institutions working on peacebuilding and youth involvement in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. She analyzed practices from 20 institutions and was involved in stakeholder talks with 28 youth workers and local stakeholders from Ukraine and Finland, sharing their experiences and ideas on youth involvement in peacebuilding and integration. Methodologies for inclusive youth participation were designed based on user experiences and good practices and piloted through dialogue events with over 115 young people in Ukraine and Finland.

As a final product, Yulia and her colleagues from the Youth Organization STAN network published a Facilitation Kit for Peace Dialogue with Youth. This publication, available in paper and PDF format in English and Ukrainian, serves as a practical tool for youth workers (facilitation kit free to print and use is available on STAN website here in English and here in Ukrainian). It has already been presented in four countries, with participants from 11 different CSOs representing at least seven countries.

Direct beneficiaries of the project include young people of Ukrainian origin, young refugees, and IDPs, as well as youth workers in Ukraine who organized various activities for over 2,000 young IDPs in Volyn, Zakarpatia, and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Country Ukraine
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The budget development decisions 0


Fostering Democratic Citizenship in Georgia

Fellowship Summary: Promotion of democratic culture and citizenship to students through a series of dialogue activities, competitions and social media campaign.

Sandro embarked on a mission to ignite a passion for democracy and citizenship among Georgia’s youth. His project was centered on promoting the values of active citizenship and democratic engagement.

The key objective of his project was to encourage reflection on democracy and citizenship, advocating for a positive change in Georgia’s political culture. While changing political culture is a substantial task requiring both education and direct democratic participation over time, the project successfully sowed the seeds of change. Positive feedback and outreach indicate that it achieved its intended goals. Youngsters, although in limited numbers, have gained a deeper understanding of democracy and citizenship. Importantly, they have become advocates for change in political culture and democratic values, setting the stage for positive transformation in their local communities.

The cornerstone of this endeavor was the creation of a comprehensive report on the problems of political culture and citizenship in Georgia based on the public discussions focused on the merits of democracy and the citizens’ role in the democratization process. This report, which can be accessed here in Georgian, gives a general assessment of political culture in Georgia, and identifies key challenges and potential solutions, creating foundation for future discussion and research of the topic.

Sandro: “An important finding of the project was that if one aims to facilitate democratic values and ideas, the most effective way is when the beneficiaries themselves are directly engaged, rather than being just passive participants. For example, young people engaged with my project were given the opportunity to express their opinions via video, as well as through photos and essays. That is quite effective in terms of spreading message/values, as the participants themselves become advocates of the ideas, who have access to, and bigger trust within, their own communities.

Country Georgia
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The budget development decisions 0


Enhancing the Capacities of Local CSOs in the Youth and Women Needs Assessment Process

Fellowship Summary: The Fellowship project aims to increase the capacity of local CSOs to successfully identify, understand, and better tailor activities to address youth and women’s challenges, including mentoring on leadership skills.
The project was designed to empower local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in identifying and addressing the challenges faced by youth and women at the grassroots level. Implemented through a series of workshops, webinars, and mentoring sessions, the project aimed to equip CSOs with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct effective needs assessments and develop tailored interventions.

The project began with a public call inviting CSOs to participate in workshops focused on needs assessment methodologies. Three workshops were conducted, bringing together a total of 45 participants, including CSO directors, project managers, volunteers, young people, and women from rural areas. These workshops provided a platform for participants to enhance their understanding of the challenges faced by youth and women and to learn best practices for needs assessment.

Additionally, the project selected 15 local NGOs from different regions of the country to receive mentoring support. These organizations were guided in conducting their own needs assessments, with a focus on identifying the specific needs of youth and women in their communities. The project also developed and distributed a supporting toolkit to assist these NGOs in their assessment process. To further extend the project’s reach, a webinar was organized, attracting 75 participants from various CSOs, youth centers, and women’s associations.

As a result of the project, CSOs have increased their confidence in assessing community needs and have become more engaged in communication with local public administrations. The project has also contributed to a more active approach in working with young people and women beneficiaries, ultimately enhancing the impact of CSOs in addressing the needs of these vulnerable groups.

Moving forward, the project’s impact is expected to be sustained through the dissemination of knowledge and skills gained by trained CSOs to their partners, as well as the continued use of the supporting toolkit for conducting effective needs assessments. The project has laid a foundation for CSOs to play a more proactive role in addressing the needs of youth and women, contributing to the overall development and well-being of their communities.

Country Moldova
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The budget development decisions 0


‘City Dream’: a crowdsourcing platform for local communities

Fellowship Summary: Development and launch of a ‘City Dream’ digital platform that facilitates more participatory local planning in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine.

Denys Andrushchenko’s City Dream Platform is a crowdsourcing initiative in Ukraine, serving as an effective communication tool between businesses, local government, and community residents. Launched in April 2023, the platform empowers active residents to highlight critical community issues through social projects, fostering collaboration among stakeholders to address these challenges by inviting them to join the project and contribute their resources. This approach has already yielded tangible results, with success stories inspiring greater civic engagement and citizenship.

The City Dream Platform has not only initiated impactful campaigns but has also received acclaim from volunteers and activists in Cherkasy. The platform’s success lies in its ability to bridge gaps and stimulate solidarity among diverse groups.

Through the City Dream Platform, Denys has sparked a seed of change, inspiring active citizens to persist in working with public servants and holding them accountable. Despite challenges, including the impact of war on Ukraine and its people, Denys remains committed to promoting the City Dream platform and the crowdsourcing approach.

Country Ukraine
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The budget development decisions 0


Using Data in Politics: Awareness-raising Campaign among the Voters and CSOs prior to the Georgian Parliamentary Election 2020

The action: Using Data in Politics: Awareness-raising Campaign among the Voters and CSOs prior to the Georgian Parliamentary Election 2020 aimed to research the use of data in Georgian politics, identify the main trends of political manipulations while targeting the voters and educate the large audience about the importance of data protection/privacy. To identify the local trends, Nino observed the pre and post-election period in Georgia and followed Tactical Tech’s methodologies and close guidance by the Fellowship Supervisor – Varoon Bashyakarla. As a part of the research, Nino interviewed the field experts from the CSOs, media, think tanks, digital marketing agencies and personal data protection company representatives. Following this, she disseminated the research findings among the large professional networks at the DataFest Tbilisi 2020 and Open Data public events. On top of that, Nino launched the media/social media campaign and applied creative materials (animated videos, posters, publications, quizzes) to reach a wide audience and engage the general public in discourse. 

The project delivered an analytical document – Data in the Georgian Politics researching the data-driven methodologies to influence the voters’ decisions in the country. As the study reveals, out of 12 globally-acknowledged methodologies, including advanced TV targeting, only the Robocalls and Mobile Texting methods have been used by almost all politicians in Georgia. Hence, the project developed educational animated videos and a quiz tailored to data use in Georgian Politics. As a result of the community outreach campaigns, approximately 100,000 Georgians were reached and became more aware of the possibilities of their personal information being used in political processes; it’s expected that some of them will change their behavior and become more cautious with their data in digital space. Finally, the project created a network of 150 activists trained about the use of personal data in political processes and expected to further contribute to research and advocating the issue.

Video ‘The business of using your data in elections’ (in English):

Video ‘The business of using your data in elections’ (in Georgian):

Video ‘How data is being used in politics?’ (in English):

Video ‘How data is being used in politics?’ (in Georgian):

Infographics ‘Methods of influencing voters using data’ (in English):

Infographics ‘Methods of influencing voters using data’ (in Georgian):

Data in the Georgian Politics Research Paper

Country Georgia
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The budget development decisions 0


Promoting Civic Capacity for Democratic Oversight

The action was a communication campaign aimed at disseminating COVID-19 related information to the ethnic Azeri and Armenian communities of Georgia. To achieve the above objective, Tamar targeted two specific regions – Samtskhe-Javakheti (Armenian minority settlements) and Kvemo Kartli (Azeri minority settlements) and contracted two local media outlets – TV9 to reach the Armenian-speaking audience and Kvemo Kartli TV to reach the Azerbaijani speaking communities. For the duration of June-October 2020, both media outlets disseminated the fact-checked information (creative posters, Q&A section, quiz, short educational video) about COVID-19; and worked to increase awareness about then upcoming Parliamentary Election of Georgia in October 2020 and increase skills in curbing the political misinformation and propaganda related to the elections. 

The project raised awareness of the local Azerbaijani and Armenian-speaking communities of Georgia and reached hundreds of local people through online portals. Also, the action delivered 6 creative infographics about the COVID-19, disinformation in media and the Parliamentary elections in the Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani languages. Through a wide range of informative materials, including the articles, Q&A sections, quiz and educational videos on the TV9 and Kvemo Kartli TV platforms, the project raised the epidemic and political awareness of the local communities. On top of that, the local organizations built capacity in establishing a direct and engaging conversation with their audiences, since they reached hundreds of unique visitors. Also, the training held for the TV9 journalists increased the knowledge of the 12 local media representatives in the Parliamentary Governmental System and the related implications.

Educational Video with the Armenian subtitles:

Educational Video with the Azerbaijani subtitles:



Quiz about COVID-19 (in Georgian)

Project in media:

COVID-19-თან დაკავშირებული რეკომენდაციები

Հաճախ տրվող հարցեր Covid-19-ի վերաբերյալ

COVID-19 და დეზინფორმაცია/COVID-19 və yanlış məlumat

ხშირად დასმული კითხვები კორონავირუსის შესახებ

Country Georgia
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