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Fellowship Programme


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Transparent Budget Is Not A Lux

The action: Transparent Budget is not a Lux aimed to engage the citizens of Nikopol (a city in the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast of Ukraine) in monitoring the municipal budget and increase their participation on the local level. The action was implemented in three phases. First, Maria researched the municipal budget from the perspectives of education, healthcare, public expenditures and infrastructure (construction of roads and bridges). Following this, the project team organized awareness-raising campaigns and discussions; through the social media posts, publications and creative infographics, young people actively engaged in the discourse. At the last stage of the project, Maria organized awareness-raising training for the young leaders to advocate transparent budgeting tools and held a roundtable discussion engaging the project participants, local authorities, and representatives from the business & non-governmental sectors. The latter event served as a platform to collaborate with the decision-makers and share recommendations.

The project delivered the budget monitoring research document with a creative infographic on the municipal budget priorities of Nikopol City. Also, the action engaged 40 active young leaders and raised their awareness in participatory budgeting. As an outcome of the training, the participants developed 7 seed project initiatives on the topics of sports and rehabilitation centers, shelter for victims of domestic violence, workshops and education, etc. Also, through the visibility campaign, action reached nearly 161,452 people via social media channels; 60,000 local citizens via the outdoor advertisements, and 8,020 readers via the newspaper publications and informed them about the Nikopol budget expenditures. On top of that, the roundtable meeting facilitated dialogue among the stakeholders from the public, private and non-governmental sectors.  All in all, the action contributed to increasing the transparency of the local government and the budget of Nikopol City due to the high public control.

Project leaflet:

Project infographics:


Country Ukraine
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Enhanced Engagement of Civil Society in Monitoring of Implementation of the UN CEDAW in Ukraine

Leila’s action aimed to enhance the engagement of civil society in monitoring the implementation of the United Nations Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (UN CEDAW) and recommendations of the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). To ensure the holistic approach to the CSO involvement in CEDAW implementation, the project covered the following aspects: Alternative reporting and individual complaints procedures (elaboration on the joint alternative report to CEDAW in collaboration with the UN Women and the NGO Monitoring Group) & educational and community outreach activities. To deliver high-quality online training on gender and human rights, Leila engaged international experts and field-professionals. Also, to inform the larger audience about the application procedure and criteria of the individual complaints to the UN Women’s Rights Committee, she developed a short educational video in Ukrainian and disseminated it throughout the country. 

The project delivered 6 webinars and raised awareness and advocacy capacity of more than 130 non-governmental representatives from Ukraine, Eastern Partnership and other Eastern European and Central Asian Countries on Women’s Rights and UN CEDAW. Also, the action engaged civil society activists and international experts from Denmark, Romania, Moldova, Russia and Kyrgyzstan contributing to the development of the recommendations. In the long term, the project beneficiaries are equipped with the necessary skills to strengthen their advocacy for women’s rights by applying the UN human rights instruments, more precisely the UN CEDAW Optional Protocol. The project delivered the Joint Alternative Report to CEDAW, educational video and informational package that serves as the instrument and direction for better protection of women who are victims of gender-based discrimination.

Video on how to apply with individual complaints to UN CEDAW  (in Ukrainian – “Як звернутися в Комітет CEDAW”):

Country Ukraine
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Foster to Create new possibilities for better E-participation in Georgia

Enjoying the variety of e-participation tools in Georgia, the project aimed to research the popularity of those instruments among the general public. To achieve the above objective, Tea studied citizen’s experience during their e-participation interactions. The research covered almost all electronic websites, including (Governmental portal on e-petitions), (“Give an Idea to the Parliament” project allowing the citizens to suggest proposals), (Online system of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia), (National e-petition portal funded by the Open Society Georgia Foundation), (Website of the Tbilisi City Hall enabling the residents to submit their ideas to the local authorities), (national platform to disclose the violation of the Georgian Legislation or the Code of Ethics) and (Budget monitoring website developed by Georgia’s State Audit Office. The research was followed by interactive discussions, in-debt interviews and awareness-raising campaigns in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. 

The action delivered a research document analyzing the barriers and challenges faced by the citizens during the e-participation process. Also, the project developed and disseminated a list of recommendations/digital solutions to the governmental and non-governmental stakeholders; the guidelines serve as a framework to develop the technical and contextual sides of the web-portals, improve the multimedia interface and make them more user-friendly. Besides, the interactive workshops, in-depth interviews and campaigns in the biggest Georgian cities of Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi raised awareness of the young people in digital tools that can be applied to enhance the e-democracy level in Georgia. 

Country Georgia
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Voting is not only our right, it is our power!

The action aimed to encourage the first-time voters (18 years old) from Moldova to vote at the Presidential Elections (October-November 2020) through the national advocacy campaign: Voting Is not only our right but also, Our Power! To enhance the young people’s political knowledge about the electoral process and transform their general anti-system attitude into constructive criticism, Ludmila conducted research, educational, community outreach and large-scale communication campaigns. To identify key messages, Ludmila conducted desk research and drafted a policy brief on youth voter participation in the Republic of Moldova. Following this, she developed educational videos and the e-learning course: Learn Elections with the Online Election Courses explaining the specifics of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local elections. Then, Ludmila launched a social media campaign: My First Vote and encouraged electoral participation through the Facebook and Instagram platforms.  In the last stage of the project, she engaged the members of the National Network for Legal Education comprised of the Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, Anti-Corruption Officers and Civil Society Leaders to create the concept of the Democracy Classes containing 8 thematic webinars on the political engagement targeted on the high school students aged 17-18.

The Action produced a policy brief: Why You Should Vote along with 10 visual designs, promoting electoral participation among the young people in Moldova. Through the e-learning course and its 5 educational videos, the project engaged 200 users and raised their awareness of the national electoral systems. Also, the extensive advocacy campaign: My First Vote generated 32 Facebook/Instagram posts reaching and encouraging more than 76,000 young people to vote. On top of that, the Democracy Classes involved the field experts and educated 277 participants via the 5 live streams on the CIPM Facebook page. 

Online Course: Learn Elections with the Online Election Courses

Atributiile presedintelui / Duties of the President:

7 motive pentru care sa votezi / 7 reasons to vote:

Publication “My first vote”

Country Moldova
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Promoting Direct Democracy for Strengthening Human Rights in Armenia

The action: Promoting Direct Democracy for Strengthening Human Rights in Armenia aimed to monitor the implementation of the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Implementation Action Plan (2020-2022). The project engaged local authorities, public officials, lawyers, young activists, civil society representatives, and watchdog organizations. At the beginning of the project, Syuzanna researched the Swedish and Georgian experience in CSO engagement in policy making and effective monitoring of policy implementation. Then, she organized 4 awareness-raising workshops for the public officials from state and local government bodies, lawyers, CSOs and other interested stakeholders from 3 regions and Yerevan. The seminars were followed by the national youth conference: The RA National Strategy on Human Rights Protection: Challenges and Perspectives engaging young professionals in discourse. Afterwards, Syuzanna conducted online in-depth interviews and focus groups with the field experts to identify the possible gaps in the strategy and produce the monitoring report. Finally, she organized the CSO-Government Dialogue Conference to discuss the report findings and proposed amendments in the National Strategy.

The project delivered the evidence-based monitoring report and recommendations to the Republic of Armenia tailored to the National Strategy and Human Rights protection. The research ensured the accountability of the RA Government and the Ministry of Justice in the sector of human rights. The final conference facilitated the Public-State consensus on the various issues, including the necessity to amend the RA National Strategy. The majority of the recommendations were taken into account by the Government and the process to amend the National Strategy was about to start as of the end of the Fellowship.

The seminars and workshops raised awareness of 157 young professionals from the civic and legal sectors. Then, the youth conference engaged 21 researchers, out of whom 11 produced a research paper on the National Strategy. The events engaged the high-level officials, including the Human Rights Defender and Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia, and the EU-Delegation representatives to Armenia.

Evidence-based Monitoring of the National Strategy for the Protection of Human Rights and its Implementation Action Plan for 2020-2022

Project in media:

Country Armenia
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Citizen Engagement for Transparent Land Management in Rural United Territorial Communities of Ukraine

The project aimed to foster citizens’ engagement in the rural United Territorial Communities (Hromadas) and promote transparent land management in Ukraine. To achieve the above objectives, Oleksandra applied high-quality and user-center IT solutions & GIS technologies to the research and visibility campaigns. First and foremost, she created the opinion polls for Hromadas and researched the problems of AHs, data mining to explore the land management practices on the local level. Then, she mobilized the field experts and organized the online ideation to exchange expertise with the rural community. Finally, to increase the land management transparency, Olaksanda disseminated the results of the research and online webinars/ideathon with the local people and the decision-makers. 

The action raised awareness of the local authorities and civil activists from more than 150 rural areas of Ukraine. Also, the project delivered a research document and opinion poll summary to enhance citizens’ access to information about the effective management of land resources. Within the frame of the fellowship, Oleksandra created a Facebook network of the Project Ambassadors unifying the community representatives and experts in one group. To disseminate the project deliverables and reach  a larger audience, she developed an online course comprising 8 educational webinars and engaging more than 900 participants. On top of that, the project created a map of good practices for better engagement and facilitated the dialogue between the local community and the authorities via sharing the recommendations based on the results of the online ideathon, research & opinion poll summary, webinars and joint action plan.

Project website: Transparent Lands with the Map of good practices for the better engagement and educational video lectures. 

Research Paper (in Ukrainian):

Project in media:

Залучення громадян для управління земельними ресурсами у громадах – результати дослідження


Country Ukraine
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Contributing Successfully Reforming and Upgrading Public Services at Municipal Level in Georgia

The action aimed to upgrade municipal services into high-quality, accessible, and well-administered public services and raise awareness on the municipal public services in the Kakheti Region. To achieve the above objectives, Salome designed research and conducted educational and community outreach activities in the target region. At the first stage of the project, she conducted qualitative research to study the impact of Public Administration Reform on local public services and applied a Self-Assessment tool to analyze the quality of municipal public services in 13 municipalities of Georgia (including 8 municipalities from the Kakheti region). Then, she delivered two-day training for the local community leaders from Kakheti. The training course covered various topics, such as assessment of the municipal budget programs, evidence-based planning of municipal services, participatory mechanisms for planning and monitoring municipal services, and planning and conducting advocacy initiatives. Finally, she held awareness-raising meetings in 8 municipalities of the Kakheti region involving more than 150 local people. The interactive seminars covered the topics of monitoring and advocacy of municipal services and budget assessment. 

The action produced the research document: Impact of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) on Development and Delivery of Municipal Services and provided recommendations to the key-decision-makers of Kakheti region from the perspective of (1) Institutional Development for Good Governance, (2) Sustainable Economic Development, (3) Inclusive Social Development and (4) Environmental Sustainability. The study analyzes the Public Administration Reforms on the public services developed and delivered by 13 local municipalities in Georgia. The research was printed in 250 copies and distributed to the audiences during the local training. In total, the action delivered 8 informational meetings engaging up to 250 young people (including community leaders) from the Kakheti region.

Research “Impact of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) on Development and Delivery of Municipal Services”:

Project in media:

კახეთში აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობის სამოქალაქო საზოგადოების სასტიპენდიო პროგრამა  განხორციელდა

Country Georgia
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Monitoring 2020 Youth Budgets Execution at the Local Level in Moldova

The project aimed to develop an open source of data on youth budget in Moldova, raise visibility of the budgetary process and build capacity for the young leaders to monitor and advocate their initiatives at the local level. The project was implemented in five stages. First, Anna researched data on the Ministry of Finance of Moldova, developed an evidence-based youth budget map and integrated it on the website of the National Youth Council of Moldova. Then, she developed an online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists; 7 training sessions with a clear illustration of the public process of budgeting, methods and tools to participate is available on Youtube channels of Invento and NYCM. Following this, Ana conducted  mentoring webinars and one offline training for the young people and youth workers from the eight regions (Comrat, Șoldănești, Fălești, Chișinău, Drochia, Rezina, Glodeni, Cimișlia) of Moldova. Afterwards, she launched the YouthPodcast: #Public Money for Youth, producing 3 video and 3 audio podcasts to promote youth leadership and budgetary participation. The last phase of the project comprised the Local campaigns on #knowYOUr(th)Budget. Once trained and mentored, the young people from the above regions developed proposals on youth budget and action plans for 2021 that were submitted to the local authorities. In total, 7 action plans were proposed. 

The action raised awareness of the youth budget monitoring and developed/promoted evidence-based initiatives through the official page of the National Youth Council of Moldova reaching more than 20,000 young people. Also, it advocated for youth budgetary participation on the local level through the online course and mentoring webinars engaging more than 430 young leaders from the 8 regions of Moldova. Moreover, youthpodcast #Public Money for Youth promoted the success stories of meaningful participation by the executives of the National Youth Council of Moldova, Municipal Youth Center from Chișinău, etc. and reached more than 3 000 young people. Finally, as a tangible deliverable of the #knowYOUr(th)Budget campaign, two regions (Fălești and Rezina) integrated the youth proposals to the municipal budget for 2021.

Project infographics:

Online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists (in Romanian):

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 1: Introducere | #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 2: De ce este importantă participarea #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 3: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 4: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 5: Procesul bugetar #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 6: Cum participăm? #You(r)th Budget

Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 7: Cheltuielile de tineret #You(r)th Budget

Country Moldova
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Educational Programme for Strengthening the Role of New Generation in Decision-Making Process

The action aimed to strengthen the role of the young people in the decision-making process by introducing a comprehensive educational program for the local youth in Ukraine.  To achieve the above objective, Yaroslav learned and disseminated the Danish model of the DAOS (Diversity Ambassadors Open School) approach and strategy. To study good practices and Danish youth empowerment methods, Yaroslav visited an arts college – Hojskolen Snoghoj and Danish National Youth Council. Both institutions share efficient methods of empowering a new generation and strengthening youth participation on local and national levels. After the field visit, Yaroslav developed the local “DAOS” program along with seven alumni (aged between 14-17) of Youth organization “STAN” and designed for the three Ukrainian cities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Sloviansk, and Zhmerinka.

The action raised awareness of 550 youngsters in three Ukrainian cities of Sloviansk, Zhmerinka and Ivano-Frankivsk by the 3-month Diversity Ambassadors Training Program. Nowadays, the project participants represent a network of more than 100 active citizens calling themselves the Diversity Ambassadors. From 2019, they are promoting human rights, gender equality and tackling climate challenges in their communities all over Ukraine. In addition, the training delivered by Yaroslav at the Youth Climate festivals and the Cultural Management Schools promoted youth engagement in the larger audience.

A number of stories about the impact of independent groups of youth and youngsters where published on STAN website:

Apart from empowering local youth, the action built the capacity of Yaroslav since he enjoyed an opportunity of pursuing a field trip to Denmark and attending Eastern Partnership Youth Summer School 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia. 

Country Ukraine
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Advocacy of Better Implementation of Public Consultations in Ukraine

The project aimed to draw public attention to the importance of the Draft Law on Public Consultations in Ukraine. To achieve the above objective, Olena conducted research, community outreach, and capacity-building activities. First, she analyzed the Draft Law on Public Consultation across the country covering 27 Local Authorities, 14 Public Agencies, 18 Ministries, and 21 public Services of Ukraine. Then, based on the accumulated data, Olena developed an analytical study, policy brief, and guidelines. Following this, she submitted a list of recommendations to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and organized workshops in two regional Ukrainian cities – Cherkasy and Kryvyi Rih. To share the project deliverables on a larger scale, Olena and two EaP fellows from Ukraine Anna Yemelyanova and Karina Litvinova organized E-Democracy Forum, engaging up to 70 public servants from Ukraine.

The action produced an analytical paper and guidelines (online + 500 copies) researching the legal process of public consultations in Ukraine, both at the central and local levels. The policy brief: E-consultations as a Part of Public Consultations in Ukraine and relevant guidelines evolved public discussion among the officials and other stakeholders at the E-Democracy Forum. Through sharing the list of recommendations with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the project facilitated public dialogue with the government of Ukraine. Thus, two regional seminars served as a collaborative platform for the non-governmental organizations, public authorities, and local deputies to discuss the draft law recommendations. On top of that, the advocacy video about the benefits of public consultations raised awareness of the local authorities and the general public.

Guidelines on public consultations  (in Ukrainian):

‘e-Consultations’ Policy Guide (in Ukrainian):


Country Ukraine
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