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10:11 Mentorship Programme
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Fellowship Programme
Area of Interest
Updates coming soon!
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Updates coming soon!
Country | Georgia |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
“I feel like I was born to volunteer!”, says Nensi Mkrtchyan as she explains about her first experience with European Volunteer Service (EVS) in Armenia. “It was a wonderful learning experience, meeting with young people from France, Spain, Italy…and it showed me that schemes like EVS demonstrate how united people can be without borders!”
After supporting EVS, Nensi learned all about the Erasmus+ programme and realised that Armenia would benefit from having a network that pooled the experience of Erasmus students. Thus, in 2021 the Erasmus Student Network in Armenia, founded by Nensi, was formally registered and joined the global ESN. In order to strengthen the work of the network Nensi wanted to build the capacity for mentoring among the students and therefore designed her Fellowship around the concept of ‘MEntor – Me as a Mentor’.
Through the Fellowship Nensi has been able to research successful mentoring schemes of ESN Croatia and others, and develop Armenia’s first ever bi-lingual handbook on mentoring. She has also created a cluster of young mentors within ESN Armenia and supported them through the delivery of a training on how to mentor effectively. “I want the ESN members to use mentoring as a tool for personal development, given that the relationship and sharing between mentor and mentee is equally rewarding for both”.
The highlight of Nensi’s Fellowship has undoubtedly been her project’s final event at which the handbook on mentoring was formally launched in the company of the ESN members, the EU Delegation in Yerevan, and other volunteer-focused stakeholders. The event also coincided with ESN Armenia’s 1st anniversary, so the Fellowship ended with a birthday cake!
Nensi is currently enrolled in an Advanced Master’s programme of European Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Europe in Natolin (Poland), but is clear that her future lies with contributing to the development of Armenia. “I envisage that I will always be occupied with activities that are non-profit and public service oriented, and would like to do as much as possible to help Armenia get closer to the values and opportunities of the EU”.
If you want to know more about the results of Nensi’s Fellowship project, please download her latest publications. The purpose of the “Guide for Mentors of International Volunteers and Students” is to collect best practices and assist mentors in their mentoring experience while hosting international volunteers and students in their local university, organisation and community in general.
Country | Armenia |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action aimed to increase the digital capacity and work efficiency of CSO managers through online education, such as webinars and workshops. To achieve the above objective, Maksym engaged a professional mentor and designed a training module. Following this, he organized webinars covering the areas of Cybersecurity, Cloud services, Office 365, Data Visualization and IT tools, Social Media Management, etc. Apart from online interactive training, the professional speakers suggested a list of recommendations for the CSO managers on digital literacy. At the final stage, Maksym organized two workshops on the topic of Digital Transformation. To increase the project visibility and awareness of the ICT solutions for the CSO managers, the project disseminated information through the different channels of the GURT Resource Center (web-portal gurt.org.ua, Facebook and YouTube)
The project engaged more than 1,800 CSO managers and delivered 8 interactive webinars offering innovative approaches to increase their work efficiency and service quality. Also, the CSO managers built their competencies in cybersecurity, team collaboration, and project management tools, data visualization, cloud services, etc. To showcase the project impact, 88% of the attendees confirmed that they actively apply the acquired knowledge to their everyday life. Besides, the offline workshops on Digital Transformation raised the awareness of 20 CSO managers and taught them how to identify organizations’ ICT needs and software solutions. As a part of the media outreach, Maksym published 8 announcements and 9 publications about the webinars and workshop deliverables. The project materials disseminated via different communication channels saw a huge interest from the target audience; more precisely, 6 318 unique views on the GURT Web-portal, almost 2 000 on YouTube (disseminated via six newsletters on digital transformation reaching up to 60 000 subscribers) and 164, 909 on Facebook.
A series of webinars developed and delivered within the action (in Ukrainian):
Webinar «How CSOs can mitigate the cyber-security risks»
During the webinar, participants learned how to create reliable passwords; how to reduce cyber-security risks, how to install basic settings for computer and smartphone accounts.
Webinar «How not to lose important data. Do back ups properly»
Do you not know how to do a backup? Watch and learn why and how to do backups
Webinar «Office 365 for NGOs: Who needs it and which problems it solves»
Watch and learn how NGOs can use Office 365 for project management needs.
Webinar «Working together in Office 365: how to collaborate effectively»
Watch a webinar session that covers Office 365 collaboration tools. Learn how to work effectively in a team.
Webinar «Tools for data visualization: how NGOs can present project results qualitatively»
The webinar covered the following issues: what software is used to create infographics, the most common mistakes, and tricks for avoiding them.
Webinar «IT tools for project management»
The webinar covers using a variety of IT-tools for successful project management
Webinar «Facebook as a tool for effective communication for CSOs»
Learn how CSOs can use Facebook for promoting their activity and engaging more supporters.
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action: Young Guardians of Digital Rights aimed to enhance the digital literacy of teenagers all over Ukraine and engage youth in the discourse of cybersecurity. To achieve the above objectives, Viktoria created a concept for the target-specific course and delivered the training through the Mizmin online platform. In the first stage, the team developed 9 short educational videos explaining the fundamental digital rights (privacy, access to information, freedom of expression), and safe navigation on social networks, such as Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc. Every thematic course comprised interactive tests, practical exercises and suggestions on the educational online games/books. Also, the action produced Chatbot Digital Foot of Support in Telegram (@DigitalChat_bot) stimulating discussions among the stakeholders. To raise the project visibility, Viktoria and her team conducted social media communication campaign through the Facebook, Tik-Tok and YouTube Channels of the Minzmin platform and produced two articles (Internet as Opportunity and Treat; Digital Security of Children: How to Protect them on the Internet) on the Ukrainian media platform Ukrainska Pravda and two videos on the min.zmin Tik-Tok channel.
The action created the first Ukrainian Online Course: Digital Rights and Safety for Children targeted at teenage groups, teachers and parents; the materials are public and can be accessed by any interested party on the Mizmin platform. Through the various media outreach instruments, including Mizmin website (1,159 involved participants), YouTube (10,430 views), Facebook (118,000 views) the project reached larger audiences and raised the digital competence of children and their teachers/parents. Also, Viktoria engaged the local authorities, including the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Digital Transformation, and 24 Regional Departments of Education of Ukraine and facilitated collaboration among educational professionals, teachers, students and their parents.
Project in media:
Інтернет як можливість і загроза для дітей: як знайти баланс
Цифрові права та онлайн безпека: як захистити дітей в інтернеті
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project aimed to develop an open source of data on youth budget in Moldova, raise visibility of the budgetary process and build capacity for the young leaders to monitor and advocate their initiatives at the local level. The project was implemented in five stages. First, Anna researched data on the Ministry of Finance of Moldova, developed an evidence-based youth budget map and integrated it on the website of the National Youth Council of Moldova. Then, she developed an online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists; 7 training sessions with a clear illustration of the public process of budgeting, methods and tools to participate is available on Youtube channels of Invento and NYCM. Following this, Ana conducted mentoring webinars and one offline training for the young people and youth workers from the eight regions (Comrat, Șoldănești, Fălești, Chișinău, Drochia, Rezina, Glodeni, Cimișlia) of Moldova. Afterwards, she launched the YouthPodcast: #Public Money for Youth, producing 3 video and 3 audio podcasts to promote youth leadership and budgetary participation. The last phase of the project comprised the Local campaigns on #knowYOUr(th)Budget. Once trained and mentored, the young people from the above regions developed proposals on youth budget and action plans for 2021 that were submitted to the local authorities. In total, 7 action plans were proposed.
The action raised awareness of the youth budget monitoring and developed/promoted evidence-based initiatives through the official page of the National Youth Council of Moldova reaching more than 20,000 young people. Also, it advocated for youth budgetary participation on the local level through the online course and mentoring webinars engaging more than 430 young leaders from the 8 regions of Moldova. Moreover, youthpodcast #Public Money for Youth promoted the success stories of meaningful participation by the executives of the National Youth Council of Moldova, Municipal Youth Center from Chișinău, etc. and reached more than 3 000 young people. Finally, as a tangible deliverable of the #knowYOUr(th)Budget campaign, two regions (Fălești and Rezina) integrated the youth proposals to the municipal budget for 2021.
Project infographics:
Online course (#YOUr(th)BUDGET program) on budgetary participation for young activists (in Romanian):
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 1: Introducere | #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 2: De ce este importantă participarea #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 3: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 4: Structura Bugetului Public #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 5: Procesul bugetar #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 6: Cum participăm? #You(r)th Budget
Buget public pentru TINEri – Episodul 7: Cheltuielile de tineret #You(r)th Budget
Country | Moldova |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project aimed to raise awareness of cybersecurity and media literacy in teenage students of Kyiv, Ukraine. To enhance critical thinking in the youth groups, Yuliia developed a special program #protect_your_info tailored to media literacy and personal privacy on the internet. Then, she created the Facebook and telegram groups #protect_your_info as a communication platform for the project beneficiaries. To advocate for internet security in a creative way, Yuliia designed the informative booklet/posters and an interactive quest game on the Playbuzz platform. Applying the special program and creative visibility materials, she delivered trainings on #protect_your_info thematic topics for the local students with different backgrounds in Kyiv.
The project raised awareness of the Ukrainian teenagers in media literacy and information security through a number of instruments, including the training, social media channels, creative materials, online role-plays and quest games. Within the frame of the action, Yuliia conducted 5 one-day training and engaged more than 75 students from the 5 local schools of Kyiv. Most importantly, the action taught young audiences how to search and communicate online safely and protect their privacy. The social media channels on Facebook and Telegram, as well as the informative posters and quest games advocated the active “fact-checking” of the information and engaged/covered large audiences.
#protect_your_info Brochure (in Ukrainian):
How to protect you personal information Poster (in Ukrainian):
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The action aimed to increase the leadership potential of adolescents/students of vocational schools within a non-formal education program Development Studies. The project brought together 50 students (aged from 14 to 25) in Kyiv who endeavored to improve the personal and social competencies. Hence, Katerina organized five one-day training sessions covering the trending topics, including social change, public activism, youth participation, creative thinking, and social project visibility. The young leaders applied newly-developed skills in practice and brainstormed/implemented ten socially-beneficial initiatives in their communities. Finally, the project deliverables and action results were assessed at the final event engaging all project beneficiaries.
The project produced a training program Development Studies, tailored to enhance the personal, social, and leadership skills of the young people. The action delivered five thematic training and raised awareness of the 50 young students in the Kyiv region, Ukraine. The training sessions served as a platform to discuss the social challenges faced by the local community, develop creative thinking, brainstorm special methods (SMART, Mind Map, Skill Swap) of the project management. As a result, the participants of the Development Studies program developed a proactive attitude and implemented ten initiatives after the completion of the training.
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |
The project Energy Efficiency Every Day aimed to raise awareness of young people in the middle schools on everyday energy-efficient behavior. To do so, Mykola organized three workshops within the pilot educational project “New Energy” for the different target audiences. The first workshop on Energy Efficiency, Practical Skills in Energy-Efficient Behavior in Everyday Life was delivered to elementary school students. It was followed by the second workshop for the secondary school student on the topic of Renewable Energy – the Main Measures of Energy Efficiency. Finally, the last two workshops on How to Calculate the Quantity of Lighting Required in the House – Practical Tips were conducted at the gymnasiums/lyceums. Along with educational activities, Mykola organized a round table to discuss the sustainability and significance of the New Energy pilot programs. Finally, he spent 3 weeks at the local non-profit organization Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR Kyiv) to acquire practical experience and improve skills in communication and advocacy.
The action raised awareness of more than 100 students in energy efficiency and sustainability. Given that, interactive workshops enhanced young people’s understanding of everyday energy-efficient behavior following best European practices. Therefore, the project facilitated collaboration among the school administration, teachers, and the local authorities for future collaboration, as the roundtable initiated professional discussions on the “New Energy” pilot program and scientific center. The internship at the RPR Kyiv built capacity for Mykola, as he improved project management skills and extended his networks with sectoral experts, policymakers, and government officials.
Country | Ukraine |
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The budget development decisions | 0 |